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Hi! Hey! Hello!

It's me your lovely author Here :]

A few notes before I start this book,

Major TWS (consistent throughout the book):

I will not any under circumstances write:

• smut/lemon.


• Anyone who is not comfy with
fanfics, ex: Niachu, connoreatspants

• suicide/ self harm
(it is a very touchy subject for me, if you are struggling with suicidal thoughts and/or self harm please please reach out to someone, anyone. I and many other people care about you. You are so loved by so many people ♡ )

Authors notes will be rare, but will be written in bold

Trigger warnings will be at the top of every chapter.

Thoughts/enunciation/memories will be written in italics

This story will be written in a third person perspective, ex:
'He went to the store'
'They smiled'
'Sapnap Sniffled'

Dialog will be written with " "

Please, please do not be hateful/aggressive in my comment section. I am okay with criticism of any sort but I don't like things like "*insert character* is a bitch" or "I fucking hate *insert character*"
Things like that just make me cringe. You have a right to your opinion but please do not share one's like those with me!

!ALSO! this book is going to be a very slow burn, if you do not enjoy that then this may not be the story for you!
If anyone has suggestions I would love to hear them!!

Without further ado, sit back, relax, and enjoy the book!!!

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