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¡TW!: none

I melt you?

You burn me.

    Quackity watched the road,  it stretched along the highway, presenting what was likely thousands of rest stops. Along with forests, signs, hitchhikers. Quackity typically enjoyed the highway. All of the opportunity it presented.  They had however been driving for three days, so this was not the case.

He pressed his forehead against the passenger window with a deep sigh.

"Fuck pandas.. how much longer?."

    Sapnap, who was in the driver's seat, looked over to the other with a huff of discontent. "Just another few hours, hang In there."
   Quackity still wasn't sure how sapnap had managed to rope him into this situation. They had been driving for 3 days. 3 days and  2 nights. Quackity was getting restless. Then again, there couldn't have been much he was missing back at home. He called Wilbur, told him what he'd done, to which the other responded with a mixed reaction. Other than that there was nothing for him there. Nothing but memories that he didn't want to relive.

   Quackity murmured something and closed his eyes. He was still hesitant about the situation, despite how far into it theyd gone.

"Remind me again, where are we going..?"

  Sapnaps eyes flickered toward the smaller for a second before focusing back on the road. "..I have some friends who are going to let us stay with them.. They have a nice place, big."

"Mm..thats not vague or anything."

   And quackity was right. Sapnap hadn't been very descriptive on the matter, it was a precaution really. Sapnap knew even one wrong word could cause the other to find more out about him than he was comfortable with.

   "No..youre right.. look it's over by kinoko.."
Quackity wasn't sure why but the name gave him an awful feeling. His stomach turned, even though he had no correlation to the town, it felt as as if he knew the name well.  Like in a past life, he had...

    Quackity shook away such meticulous thoughts and kept his gaze fixated on the asphalt lain before them, but a familiar chord had caught his attention. Sapnap was quick to turn it off, not a fan of what he liked to call "Girly" music. Quackity perked up, turning the radio on oncemore.

You are the dancing queen, young as sweet only seventee....

Dancing queen...
Feel the beat from the...


"Shit- yeah?"

   "Nothing were just zoned out, Is all.."
   Quackity leaned back into the comfort of his seat.

   "Yeah, sorry. This song really takes me back.."

    Memories of fluffy brown Hair and greyish-hazel eyes flickered through his mind. For a second he swore he caught a glimpse of a brightly colored sweater.

    "Takes you back...what, to that asshole?"

    Both knew who sapnap was talking about, not a word needed to be said, because after their prior experience, both knew.

   "No, good memories.. A boy. A friend..this was our favorite song. He was kind of a freak for 80's music.."
   Quackity chuckled slightly, he.  pondered to the stick 'n poke tattoo on his finger. It was slightly faded by now, as most things do with time,  but it-for the most part- remained. A small infringement That was nothing but a piece of history by now. "Karlos" it said. Nothing worth taking a second glance. Most thought it was an ex or a bad decision, but it was so much more than that.

Quackity, of course couldn't be bothered to explain that to anyone who assumed.  And hardly anyone  had noticed it.  the occasional costumer would, maybe ask a few questions.  wilbur had asked to which he got no reply. Schlatt never did. He never took in many of the ducks physical features. That is except for, Quackity reached a hand up to the sore patch in his wings with an internal wince.

"Oh yeah? And these memories...?"

Quackity snapped back more aggressively than intended.

"I can't ask you about your life you don't ask me about mine."

Now that the topic arose, quackity couldn't move past it. Had the other kept his own tattoo? Had he removed it? Or does he cover it up, bury it like a shameful secret?

"Right..sorry quacks.."

Sapnap pulled over to a small rest station. "Gotta fill the need anything while I'm in there?"

"Uh, no, thanks."

Sapnap gave a head nod and got out of the car, Starting toward the worn-down, mostly abandoned station.

Quackity tapped his fingers anxiouly against the leathered seat, reminding him of the ancient stools back home. As much as he hated to admit it, he did miss small things like that. By this point, he had started to remincise on wilburs snarky comments. There hadnt been a day in over five years that he went without the them. Not even weekends off. Quackity never took weekends off. The bar was his escape. After marriage he hardly left.

The beanied boy glanced around the vehicle, calming his nervesv as he finally rested  his hand on the center console, in doing so he managed to catch his finger on the exposed wiring.

Quackity saw red.

"Shit.." desperate to not bleed all over sapnaps car he panicked. Fortunately, the gash wasn't  big enough to warrant concern, so he calmed down, scanning his scattered mind.

The first aid kit

Quackity searched the back seat to no avail, He got out of the car, then to the trunk.

Quackity slid his hand under the trunk, looking for a handle.

The lock clicked, it flew open.

Quackity was sure his pupils dilated at least twenty-two percent. Layed before him was a trunk full of assorted weapons. He closed it as if though he hadn't seen a thing, going back to his spot in the car quietly.

Quackity, despite the dangers this situation could have lead to, tried to convince himself that there was a reasonable explanation for this. Maybe sapnap hunted..or murdered.

Quackity tried to stop his mind from going that route.

The door beside him opened, followed by sapnaps appearance.

"I got some drinks.. dont know what you like so I got a few options."

Sapnap handed quackity a variety of drinks. A mountain dew, a water bottle, and...


The memories came back. Quackity looked down to the monster heald in his hands. He felt sick. A voice that cascaded like honey rang throughout his head. He placed it down, averting his eyes, and opening the water.

"Yknow I had a friend who consumed these like oxygen.."

Sapnap chuckled, not sure if quackity had heard his remark.

"Hey what's with the shit in your trunk?"

Sapnap felt his blood run cold.

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