His firey touch

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"I'm standing in the ashes of who I used to be"

"Vodka soda, coming up"
The condensation of the glass perched comfortably along the table as it slid across the polished oak.

"Thanks ducky, you're the best" Wilbur gave a lopsided smirk, earning a chuckle from the man behind the bar counter.

"Yeah whatever, soot. Enjoy the drink."

Quackity proceeded to wipe down the counter, occasionally checking Taps to make sure everything was working well. It was a Tuesday night, business was relatively slow, though Alex didn't mind it. There was a certain sort of comfort,

A rainy, glum night, in a nearly empty bar by the beach.

Suddenly, that comfort was
interrupted by the doorbell. Alex looked up from his thoughts, only to be met with the soft brown eyes of what looked to be a rather gruff gentleman. His raven hair was messily tied behind a white bandanna, the stubble on his chin not unkempt, more so adding to his character appearance. The man was tall, uncomfortably tall. He stood around 6'7 or so. Quackity was astonished.

Quickly regaining composure, due to wilburs muffled "Ducky? Q? Big Q??"
In the background, Alex proceeded to clean the counters off, Suddenly the man's voice interrupted, taking quackty aback. His tone was gravely, but not unwelcome. Fire danced in Quackitys heart, his lungs, it felt like from the pit of his stomach erupted a swarm of lightning bugs.

"Excuse me, could I get uh..a water! And make it quick-"

Quackity was confused, usually people didn't come into a bar on a Tuesday night requesting such a plain beverage, though he obliged and slid a glass of cold water over to the man. What really was strange though, the glass of water started boiling as soon as it touched the man's hands. Quackity then noticed how said man's fingertips were now a deep crimson. He audibly gasped, unable to wrap his head around the situation. within the Blink of an eye sapnap was running toward the door.

"Sir- you're going to have to pay for-"

The door flew open. Standing there was a man quackity was unfamiliar with,
"Sapnap you're under arr-"
before he could finish his sentence, the water was thrown into ranboos face. His figure sizzled out, then slowly disappated. Sapnap slammed the door and caught his breath, he walked back up to the bar counter and pulled out a few silver shillings, he tossed them onto the worn oak and pat Quackitys shoulder. "Thanks man.. I own you one" Quackity was dumbfounded, wilbur sat along the side, chuckling in amusement.

He took the final sip of his beverage and stood up. "I'll be off now alex. If he causes you any trouble don't hesitate to contact me" Wilbur whispered the last part, ruffling quackitys hair before stepping outside, letting the soft raindrops kiss his skin, and just like that, he disappeared into the night. Wilbur was a rather mysterious soul, always coming and going with the wind, hardly anyone truly knew him. Other than Alex that is.

Quackity continued to check the beer taps, sapnap now making himself comfortable at the bar counter.

"You aren't going to ask?"

Sapnap chuckled in response.
"You aren't going to ask me?? I mean, you're not even the least bit curious as to what just happened?"

Quackity chuckled and continued to wipe the counters.
"Im afraid I don't get payed enough for that"

Sapnap scoffed, oddly humbled by the smaller boy.

"Oh really?? Fine then. I won't tell you"

Quackity rolled his eyes, leaning against the counter. "Oh no, please, do go on. I'm soo intrigued"

Sapnap, to Quackitys surprise, leaned in a little as well. He chuckled, just barley audible, grabbing Quackitys chin, inching slowly closer. Quackity gave an un-amused look, sapnap muttered "wouldn't you like to know."
Quackity pulled away and huffed.
"If all you needed was that glass of water then you best be going now.
Sapnap then took a seat at one of the stools, the leather cracked and worn. He skimmed over the options for a bit before stopping dead In his tracks.

"Uhm..excu-" sapnap cleared his throat before continuing "Excuse me.. would you mind telling me the origin behind this drink" sapnap pointed to a number on the menu, quackity walked toward the menu and slung a cloth over his shoulder.

"The dream..? Oh! That ones my specialty! Named after Clay, otherwise known as dream. a notorious juvenile in this town..he was killed in combat a while back..though, some say on that fateful night, he was with his partner. Of whom fled the crime scene and they never found him.. what a coward.. didn't even try to save his friend!"

Sapnap nearly felt tears in his eyes at this point. "Oh.. uhm..yeah I'll just have..a screwdriver please"

Quackity nodded and got to work. It was just the two of them, the bar had a warm ambiance, which distracted them both from the cold of reality for just a second. Quackity slid the drink down to sapnap.

"There you are, sapnap is it?"

Sapnap nodded. He took the drink and brought it to his lips, eyes igniting as soon as the liquid hit his tongue. He wasn't necessarily an alcohol connesaure, but this was certainly the best he had ever had.
This ecstatic reaction earned a giggle from Quackity. "Well.. how Is it?"

Sapnap responded by pulling out twelve gold shillings and setting them onto the counter. He gave a wide smile and quickly finished his drink.

Quackity stared in astonishment. "The drink was only 2 silver sir"

Sapnap shrugged and stood up, Quackity was intimidated by sapnaps tall stature, his wings furrowed in defense. It was no secret that he had wings, in fact, he wore them out freely. Although, they were rather small and sometimes easy to miss.

Sapnap pat quackitys shoulder and proceeded to exit, muttering a quick "thanks" before exiting the bar. Quackity shook his head and closed up shop, quickly grabbing a six pack from the back freezer, heading out.
He wasn't sure who that man was, but he certainly hoped not to see him again.

Hi!! Hello! I really hope you enjoyed this!!!
Word count:1037
1 gold shillings = 10 USD
1 silver shillings=4 USD

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