Burn out

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"I have licked the fire, and danced in the ashes of every bridge I've ever burned. I fear no hell from you"
!TW¡ Alchohol/neglect

"Sorry sir, I'll be with you in a moment!" Quackity wiped the glass clean, filling it with some cheap tap, sliding it down the table toward the rather arrogant man. Wilbur had offered to help numerous times, though quackity just shook his head politely and continued working. Saturday nights tended to be the busiest, nothing quackity couldn't manage.

Admist the crowd of people, there stood a man...In particular, the Same man who had payed quackity and Wilbur a visit earlier that week. He gave a subtle smirk and walked to the front of the bar, sitting on an empty stool. The leather cracked further, nearly 15 years at this point. Countless people had told quackity to get rid of these stools, that they were a waste, practically garbage. Quackity believed they had story. And every story, no matter how small, is worth telling.

Alexis scoffed and once again, leaned against the counter, now faced head on with the freakishly tall ravenette.

"How can I help you sir?"

"Well what do you recommend?"

Quackity began walking away, he soon returned with a simple glass of cider. Sapnap gave the beverage a glare, which soon softened into a chuckle.
"That's rather plain..why don't you get me something a little more... exciting, you know I'm good for it!"

Quackity gave a wink and dug into his pocket, sapnap gave a confused glare. To which was responded with quackity pulling out a match box. He struck it, letting the spark ignite, a flame arose, so beautiful, so simple yet so dangerous. Sapnaps gaze was fixated onto the orangeish-crimson dwindle of a flame, as quackity held it to the glass. The cider ignited, giving off a sweet, citrus scent. Quackity then added a few touches before sliding it over to sapnap.

"Was that fancy enough for you,?"

Sapnap almost giggled in excitement. He nodded and took the cider.

Quackity hated to admit how adorable he found this. Though the duckling responded with a scoff and a comforting eyeroll. Usually people don't get all that excited over fire.
Quackity had accidently spoke the last of his thoughts aloud. Sapnap nodded, hastily sipping his warm beverage.

Quackity ruffled sapnaps hair and got back to work, he slung a cloth over his shoulder, taking order after order, and before he knew it, the clock struck midnight. The bar was finally empty. Other than of course Wilbur and..him. Quackity folded his arms and walked over to the demon hybrid. "Alright look pyro, the bars closing, shoo"

Sapnap sighed and got up, placing a few gold shillings into quackitys hand. He grabbed onto the shorters tie and pulled him in just slightly, looking down at the man with a malicious smirk. "I'll be back duckling."

Quackity flushed red, stumbling over his sentence."J-just scram."
And with that, sapnap walked out, along followed wilbur. Going any which way the wind took him.

Quackity hung his apron up and closed the bar, he managed to grab another six pack before he left. After the duckling had left the buiilding, he got his umbrella out. Shivering, walking down the sidewalk he grabbed his phone and shakily dialed; ###-###-###. It rang. No answer. It rang. No answer. Quackity put his phone down and gave a sniffle, crossing the street. He made his way to the worn-out wood house, grabbing ahold of the false-copper handle. He shook it open and stepped inside, the bitter smell of cheap beer apparent throughout the house.

"Im home.."

Quackity was greeted with loud, heavy footsteps, at the end of the hallway stood a man, tall, around 6'0. Quackity didn't bother to smile, he handed the six pack off to avoid any conflict, though for once there was no sort of Shouting. Schlatt gave a huff in reply and stumbled back down the hallway. Quackity set his umbrella down and began to clean the bottles and scattered glass from the floor. His reflection was prominent in the stained shards, he gave a melancholic sigh and swept them up.

The duckling slid a small brown box out from under the couch, he threw two half-crumpled 20 dollar bills into the box and locked it once more. Returning it to it's original spot.

Life certainly wasn't easy, but quackity got by. He was used to this. Alexis had learned to deal with the ram by this point. Sure, Schlatt could be rather harsh, but quackity couldn't bring himself to blame the ram. Everyone saw schlatt as some hard-headed asshole, when in reality he was truly just a sad man, with years of built up pain un-able to become anything more than anger. The world had been cruel to schlatt, so naturally, he learned to be cruel to the world.

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