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They say all it takes is one strike for a match to light, then one push for the match to ignite the fuse.

!TW¡: mentions of abuse

Nothing was heard but a chuckle. Not one of comfort, the kind that sent chills down your spine, stretching to your toes, one that makes your breathe hitch, that forms a terrible lump in your stomach. Sapnap took schlatt into a separate room. Quackity stood outside and awkwardly messed with the buttons of his shirt. He wasn't sure how he ended up in this situation but could only hope this would be his escape. The end to his nightly terrors. Schlatt  was a powerful man yet despite this fact Quackity held onto that small shred of hope.

"..Jonathon. don't give me another bullshit excuse. You aren't some misunderstood movie villian. You hit your fucking husband, you can't sugar coat that. You're a God damn coward."

Schlatt responded with nothing but a scoff, folding his arms. He hadn't had anyone stand up to him like this. No one had ever challenged the duality of how pathetic he truly was.

"Jonathon. Fucking answer me you coward!" Sapnap kept pressing on the matter, his voice raising with every syllable, not a hint of remorse held in his words.

"What am I supposed to say? He's my husband. I'll do whatever I god damn please!" Schlatt had hit his fist against the wall in a fit of rage.

"He's a human being. Not yours for disgust me."

Schlatt chuckled at the words. Sapnap was one of many who had told him those exact words. He was used to it and it was nothing he dared be ashamed of.

"I'm calling the police." Sapnap was bluffing. Of course he was. Getting the police involved would be an awful idea seeing as he himself was currently running from those exact people. Sapnap only hoped schlatt couldn't sense that

"You wouldn't dare." Schlatt knew sapnap was bluffing, at least he told himself that, in a strange sense of reassurance.

Sapnap got his phone out, dialing the police. With each click schlatts heart raced, growing more unsure by the second. In a panick schlatt called out. "Fine- Look ill go. Rest assure ill be back for that little bitch..and you're next." Schlatt made sure to say the last bit loud enough for both men to hear, making his way to the door.

And with that, schlatt walked out. He left. Quackity watched in disbelief. As the man stepped outside Quackity  fell to his knees. The pain he endured, this seemingly never-ending battle Quackity had been fighting was finally over. Tears fell from his eyes as sapnap rushed to his comfort. He cupped the smaller boys cheeks in attempts to reassure him that he was infact free of this marital prison.

And once again they sat like that for hours. Nestled in the comfort of one another's arms. They were practically strangers, yet they had experienced a lifetime of trauma together already. This trauma bonded their souls together like two well-entangled ribbons. Only the ribbons had been cut and torn, shred for all its value. But the ribbons were still able to admire eachother as they had seen what the other was for what it was worth. And that's all that really mattered.

After an hour or so Quacktiy began to reassess his thoughts. With a raspy voice he spoke inquisitively.
"" The words were simple yet they held so much weight. Sapnap perked and eyebrow in confusion.

"..I certainly can't stay now." Quackity caught onto sapnaps confusion and further explained his words, hoping this made up for his lack of context previously

Sapnap sat up, a sense of determination In his eyes. This made quackity uneasy.

"..Come with me."


"Just trust me Alex."

Quackity certainly did not trust sapnap in this moment. After all, he hardly knew the man. Yet something about the look in his eyes told quackity otherwise. Against his own will, Quackity gave a nod, allowing sapnaps words to lead them.

Sapnap stood, leading Quackity outside. The two made their way down the sidewalk. What once was cold morning air had turned into mid-day sunlight, and though quackity despised the sun he couldn't help but admit how..peaceful this felt. Perhaps it was the sudden shift his life had taken, but Quackity caught himself Admiring all of these little details fondly.

After walking a short while the two men reached a small, overgrown path. Across the path stretched vines cypress and wisteria, in addition to several species of moss and flowers. it looked as though it was something from a book. Once they had reached the end of the path quackity took note of a small, hobit-like home, this was amusing, if not strange. but he chose not to comment on the fact.

Sapnap ran inside, quickly running back out. A bag now clutched tightly to his side. He took off down yet another path, Shouting behind himself; "I'll explain later."

Despite his minds best efforts to inform him of what a terrible idea this was, Quackity followed. He followed down a (much) longer path, his boots occasionally getting caught on tree roots or wild hydrangeas.

Upon reaching the end of the path, he saw a car. Quackitys eyes widened.

"No fucking way pandas."

"Yea fucking way"

I apologize for such a short chapter!

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