𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥

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✣ 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 ✣

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✣ 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 ✣

"Finally, I'm back home." you thought to yourself. You had just finished a mission and arrived at the Gold Dawn Headquarters, your Magic Knight squad. You had been gone for a week and you could say you needed a break. Before going to check in with your captain, you couldn't wait to go see someone.

     As you walked through the halls of the base, you were looking for a man you missed very much. Yuno Grinberyall, your boyfriend of six months. You hated being away from him and couldn't wait to see him. You walked from hall to hall, looking in every room, but he wasn't there.

  "Omg Y/n! Your back!" You heard a voice say behind you.

"Oh hey, guys," It was your close friend, Alice, a member of the squad.

"How was the mission?" she asked.

"It was...a lot. I could take a month to recover my energy back," you said as you two laughed.

"Hey, have you seen Yuno?" you asked Alice.

"Actually, I haven't," she said.

'That's weird,' you thought, 'I can't find him and she hasn't seen him, where could he be?'

"Oh okay, I'ma go look for him. Thank you!"

"Alright, take care Y/n!"

" You too!"

You kept walking and searching. You got to the library of the headquarters. As you opened the doors, you crashed into another squad mate. You were walking in quickly you didn't realize someone was walking out at the same time. They had dropped the books they had just picked out due to the sudden crash. You bent down to help them. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't aware you were walking out," you apologized.

"Don't worry about it, it's okay." You recognized it was David. You both joined around the same time and eventually, you both became close friends. "Oh you're back Y/n!" he added.

"Yup, it's great to be back." You got back up and smiled. You didn't want to waste more time. So you asked, "Have you seen Yuno?"

The bright smile he had on his face slowly faded. He had a look of unsureness in his eyes like he was hesitant about something. He looked like he was thinking of a response. "David, are you okay?" You asked. Should you be worried about his response? Why did he seem to be uncomfortable about the question? It's not the first time I've asked him this, and he never has reacted like that. What's up?

"Yeah, I'm great, sorry. I did see Yuno a bit ago, in...in the library..." As his voice got quiet towards the end of his sentence, he pointed to the doors behind him looking down.

You were confused but were careless enough to brush it off. "Oh great! Thank you!" You waved to him and walked into the library. As you searched carefully through every line of shelves, you looked for him anxiously. You missed him too much. You had just been gone for a week but to you, it felt like years. You hated being apart from him. He was the light to brighten your day. You wanted to run up to him and surprise him with your presence.

While you were getting close to the end of the bookshelf lines, you heard a voice. "Don't worry about it, babe..." It said. You listened closely as you got closer, wondering who it could be.

You turn the corner of the shelf and there he was. The one you have been struggling to find. You were happy, a big smile forming on your face until you saw he wasn't alone...

Yuno was talking with a girl. It was Mimosa. Mimosa Vermillion. Your heart dropped. You were scared as to why they were together. You hid behind the shelf, listening to the conversation. You were scared of Mimosas. Not of her power, but more of her intentions and her friendship with your boyfriend. You knew she liked Yuno, for a very long time. And later, you found out she wasn't very happy when she found out you and Yuno were dating. You were worried she would try to break you apart.

"It's just...what if..." You heard her light voice say. As you peeked to see, you heard Yuno say, "No 'what if's.' I got this, no one will find out," he said. 'Find out about what' you thought.

'Wait...Was that him that said 'babe' earlier? Was he saying it to her???' You started panicking. You didn't want it to be what you thought. Maybe you were trying to piece incorrect pieces together. But then again, what if they match, just one is upside down and needs to be turned over. You started breathing heavily. Your hands started sweating and your stomach started feeling tight.

   You moved to get a better angle of the scene. You knew spying on someone was wrong, but something in you was telling you to stay and watch closely.

"I hope your right..." Mimosa said. And then it happened, the last thing you could imagine. They both started getting close to each other. Yuno bent down to kiss her and Mimosa wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him to her. Small seconds passed until he pulled away and said "I love you.." with a big smile, looking deeply into her eyes.

Your eyes widened. Your mind was running with so many thoughts. Your heart was beating uncontrollably. You felt like breaking down right there and then, but you tried your best to control yourself.

'Why? When? How?' You didn't understand. 'Did he just... No..that can't be...' But it happened right in front of you, you just didn't want to accept it. You knew she had something for him, but you trusted him. You told him what you thought and he said to not worry about her. But he betrayed you. He lied to you. He cheated on you.

You couldn't stop your eyes from getting watery. You started crying, but knowing you couldn't make much noise, you ran out. Outside of the library, you ran back to your room. Thinking over how he swore he would always love you. How he promised he would never hurt you. Yet, he still went behind your back and did the opposite.

You felt your stomach drip and tighten. All the memories you had with him ran through your heart and mind.  You felt like throwing up as you started sobbing endlessly. No one would understand how much he meant to you and now all the dangers of a relationship just pierced your heart.

Still crying when you got to your dorm, you ran to your bathroom looking for trash bags you had on the counters underneath your sink. You got the bags and while you were in the bathroom, you looked for anything that was his. Grabbing all his belongings and throwing them in the bags. You had something planned for them later.

You went into your room searching for all these things. Any clothes, accessories, pictures, anything. As you were looking for things, you found a picture of you and him smiling from ear to ear. You started crying even more. "How could you be so reckless...with my heart..." You said to yourself, placing the picture into the bag as well.

Once you were done, you walked the bag out into a forest not far from the base. There you dumbed everything out, making a big pile. You had element magic so you used your fire element magic to set the things on fire. They burnt slowly as you were still letting go of some tears. "He might love her now, but he loved me first..." You thought to yourself. After some time, you felt satisfied and set the fire out with your water element magic. Once you were done, you walked back to your dorm slowly, coping with the pain.

✩ ✩ ✩

word count: 1327

Hey guys. I don't know how I feel about this one. I meann... it's alright I guess. what do u all think?

𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now