Oh god not you again...

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It has been 2 weeks since Y/n has seen Leo and they/he/she just forgot about him and moved on with their/his/her life. Not at all caring about or even thinking about Leo at all. Leo also forgot about Y/n. Not really caring about them/him/her anymore. Since they have met only one time and that's all.

One day Y/n was walking back home from school. School usually ended around 2 PM or so. Though the students were told to stay longer in school today up until 8 PM for idk some weird reasons I don't have time for so don't ask. Y/n was heading back to their apartment just wanting to get home after a stressful day at school. While walking they/he/she spots a small little puppy on the side of the street. "Awwwhhh hey little guy! Where's your mama and or papa?" Y/n asked nicely. Then seeing 5 giant humanoid like dog creatures. "Sorry I asked-!!" Y/n said panicking and then quickly ran off. The big dogs were still chasing after Y/n. They/he/she tried to run as fast as they can. Though it was impossible with literal giant dogs after them/him/her. Looking like they wanted to eat them/him/her.

"Okay but serious question..., Why did you put me on a leash?" Leo asked annoyed. "Too make sure you don't go killing yourself again or something." Raph responded. "This is so stupid." Leo said once again annoyed. "Sorry big bro. But, it's for your own personal safety." Mikey said. "I hate this..." Leo mumbled to himself quietly looking away from his brothers. Then the 4 brothers hear a scream like sound. They looked where it was coming from and saw somebody running away from 5 giant anthro like dogs. "Well our night just got better." Leo said. "Alright team! Time to kick some butt!" Leo said wiping his swords out. The other bro's got their weapons ready. "Also, please take the leash off I beg of you I'm gonna be okay and no I will not kill myself and thank you." Leo said. "Okay fine." Raph said and took the leash off of Leo. "Thank you." Leo added.

The brother's finally bounced into action. Y/n was still running and then came to a dead end. "Oh no..." Y/n said quietly. They/he/she turned around and saw the dogs coming closer and closer. Y/n was just shaking and being terrified to death. Feeling like they/he/she was about to die and possibly be eaten alive completely. Then they/he/she heard beating up noises and looked and saw a bunch of turtles fighting the dogs. Leo noticed Y/n. He managed to beat up one of the dogs and quickly ran to them/him/her. "Hey it's not safe here." Leo said. "No kidding Sherlock." Y/n replied. One of the dogs then ran to Leo and Y/n though Raph immediately threw the dog and it fell in the trash. "Will handle this! You take them to safety!" Raph said. "But, you might-" Leo tried to protest but then Raph cut him off. "GO!" He yelled. "I may not be the leader anymore but I'm STILL the oldest so you follow by my rules." Raph added in. Leo immediately grabbed Y/n and opened up a portal and went thru it. Leaving the other bro's behind. Mikey and Donnie finished off the rest of the dogs and they ended up running away in fear. "Wait- I thought Leo was not allowed to be alone unless one of us or all of us come with him?" Donnie asked. Then Raph suddenlt realized what he just did. "LEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Raph yelled out loud.

Leo was still carrying Y/n in his arms. He jumped from one building to another. He stopped for a bit and put Y/n down. "Hey you okay?" Leo said looking at Y/n. And then he suddenly recognized Y/n and remembered them/her/him. Y/n also seeing Leo remembered who he was. "Oh god... not you again... Anyone BUT you." Y/n said annoyed. "Jeez at least be grateful for me and my bros saving you at least. If it weren't for us you would have probably be eaten." Leo said. "Btw- why the hell did they attack you?" he asked. "I have no idea why the hell they attacked me and plus I have no idea what those weird creatures were." Y/n answered. "Well, they were probably a) Mutants or b) From Jersey." Leo added in. "Really? Jersey?" Y/n said annoyed and weirded out. "What? Jersey has some of the weirdest things ever. You can't change my mind." Leo said. Y/n just looked at him with a "are you serious bro?" face. "Well, I guess I'm gonna tell my grandma who lives in Jersey that there is a bunch of weird stuff in there and to move out of that hellhole." Y/n said. "And she will be grateful for that." Leo replied smirking. Y/n just looked at Leo and then punched him. "Goddamn it why did my day have to go like this?" Y/n asked themselves/himself/herself. "Well, I should probably take you back home-" Leo wanted to offer but then Y/n cut him off. "No thank you. I can deal with this myself. Thank you very much and now stay out of my life please." Y/n said annoyed and tired. "Wow damn. Never thought I'd have to deal with a sassy and rebelious cat." Leo said jokingly with again a smirk. "What did you just call me!?" Y/n yelled. "Well, since cat's are known for causing trouble I-" Before Leo could finish he was cut off by someone yelling his name. "LEO!!!" Leo and Y/n both looked and saw Leo's bros. "Oh god there is more talking weird mutant ninja things." Y/n said upset and annoyed. "Oh my how did you know what we are?!" Mikey asked with a gasp and then a smile. Coming closer to Y/n. "I met your stupid ass annoying New Jersey crap brother here who told me what you were when I asked him okay now if you will excuse me I'm gonna go home and try to relax and hope to not see anymore of you guys and especially not that red slider idiot turtle anymore." Y/n walked near the edge of the building they were all on. "You need someone to put you down?" Leo asked. "Yes please." Y/n said looking back at the turtles and Leo.

Leo then put down Y/n of off the building and Y/n then just walked away. "Wow. Rude much." Donnie said. "You met them/him/her before? AND NEVER TOLD US!?" Raph yelled at Leo. "Yeah when I snuck out I saved them from being kidnaped. Didn't think they'd be this ungrateful for us saving them/him/her." Leo said. "Well, it's not like people see us at all. The only human people that know about us are April, Casey and Cassandra." Donnie said. "Are you hurt!? Did they/he/she do something to you!? How are you!? Are you okay!?" Raph grabbed Leo and looked at him worried. "No. No. I'm good. And yes." Leo said moody. "You guys legit do not have to worry about me. I promise you. I can take care of myself. You don't have to worry about me so much. For the life of me. I can take care of myself." Leo added in. "I'm sorry Leo but we just can't at all allow you to get hurt or possibly even be killed badly." Raph tried to contradict what Leo said but Leo didn't care. Leo groaned. "Can we just go home please?" Leo asked annoyed. "Fine. Let's go." Raph said.

The brothers went back to the sewer and Leo immediately just went to his room. Still annoyed by his brothers being so overprotective of him. He hated how his bros were starting to treat him as a toddler. But, then he remembered Y/n. There was something... peculiar about them/him/her that got Leo interested. He though brushed it off and just went to sleep. Although he couldn't get that feeling out.

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