New friends, returning enemies

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April and Y/n sat on a bench in the park. Since April wanted to talk with Y/n for a bit. "So what did you wanna talk about April?" Y/n asked. "I heard that Leo came to hang out at your place and wanted to ask what were you guys doing at all?" April asked. "Oh well, he practically just came out of nowhere and I had no idea what the hell he wanted. I allowed him to stay just for his own sake and ngl he was pretty much an idiot. Though he was a little bit fun to hang out with. We mainly just watched a movie while eating popcorn and then we played some games I had." Y/n explained to Leo. "Really? I thought you guys knew each other for a long time. And thought Leo never talked about you or that he was friends with you." April said. "Especially the way he got overly worried about you when he saw you hurt and on the ground." She added in. "Damn. Must be a softie then huh?" Y/n said with a chuckle. "Oh I always knew he is a softie deep inside and practically a dork as well." April said with a smirk. Y/n just laughed. April and Y/n continued talking to one and other and laughing a bit and just enjoying themselves with one and others company.

Meanwhile with Leo and the guys. They finally came back from their mission. They had to fight a big mob of yokai like creatures that tried to harm a bunch of people. They were pretty strong so they were able to beat the turtles up a bit. "God that hurt. At least we managed to survive." Leo said. "Yeah if you all will excuse me I'm gonna go and bandage myself up." Donnie said. Walking to his lab. "I'm getting myself some ice." Mikey said. "Same." Raph also said. Leo sat down on the couch and layed down. He let out a big sigh. "I'm just gonna lay down." Leo said. "Rest of you as well go rest for a bit. We need it after beinf beaten up a lot." He added. Right when he closed his eyes he then opened them with a sudden realization. "Wait where are April and Y/n?" Leo asked turning his head around in different direction. "I think they are still out?" Raph said. Leo grabbed his phone and diled April's number. April and Y/n were still talking to one and other and April noticed her phone ringing. She took her phone out and answered it. "Hello?" April asked. "Hey where are you guys?" Leo asked. "Oh me and Y/n are just out on a walk right now and talking with one and other." April answered. "Will be back in 30 min or so." April added. "Alright. Just wanted to check up if everything is alright." Leo said. "See ya both soon." He said before ending the call. April put away her phone and turned to Y/n. Who she noticed was looking at someone. "Is everything alright?" April asked. She looked over and saw a woman crying. Y/n walked over to her and put their/his/her hand on the lady's shoulder. The woman looked up and saw Y/n. She sniffed a bit. "Well... I was planning on something huge which everyone will come and watch. But, the people who were willing to participate turned it down the last minute. And now I don't know what to do." The woman cried. Y/n felt pity for the lady. "Hey it's okay. Maybe I can help out?" Y/n offered. "What?" The woman mumbled. "We can help you out if you want with what you are going thru." April said coming in. "I'll help as well." She added in with a soft smile. The woman cleared her tears and looked at them with a smile. "Thank you." The woman said. She got up from the bench she was sitting on. "Come with me." She said. April and Y/n followed her and they stopped at some weird van. "What are we doing here?" Y/n asked. "Are you guys scared of spiders?" The woman asked. "Not really." Y/n said. "Nah I don't have problem with spiders as long as they aren't dangerous or poisonos." April said. "Good..." The woman said with a grin. April and Y/n were confussed. Then someone out of nowhere grabbed the both of them from behind and threw them in the van. Then the van door was closed. Y/n and April were shocked and had their eyes wide of worry. "Hey get us out of here! You can't keep us in here!!" April yelled banging on the door of the van. "Where the hell are we going!?" Y/n yelled in worry. "You'll see." The woman chuckled. "Wait a minute..." April said. Then her eyes went wide. "Oh no..." April mumbled. "What?" Y/n asked. Looking at her worried.

"Big Mama..." 

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