Promised Neverland (❓)

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Sick : Ray sorta Norman too
Caregiver : Emma and Norman

(Of course not shipped, they are kids! In the story, they are in the orphanage, but are not food for demons- Isabella is the "mother" but she's kind(well yeah she is)

Warning : Vomit, Blood, Fainting, Fever


Ray, Emma and Norman, best friends. They are all in an orphanage and waiting to be adopted, but because they are some of the oldest kids not many people want to adopt them. But they don't mind.

They love to play tag with the whole orphanage, running around the large forest and place, having fun like kids do.

Ray doesn't often get sick, but when he has it's been really horrible. This morning he woke up feeling kind of off, but he just ignored it.

He went to breakfast and ate and then all kids went to play a game of tag outside. Ray didn't really want to play, but after desperately trying to lose at rock paper scissors with Norman and Emma he ended up winning.

Ray started to count while everyone ran away into the forest, after he finished counting he went to go find and tag everyone.

After getting around half the kids, he could feel his stomach churning and his legs becoming weak.

As he was chasing down Emma, he tripped over and scraped his leg on a rock. Emma kept running thinking Ray was trying to trap her, but then she realised that he hadn't gotten up.

Emma rushed to Ray who was laying on the floor, his leg bleeding but unlike he usually does just walk it off, he was just laying there.

Emma : '' Norman! Quick it's Ray! ''

Norman rushed over, Ray sat up weakly, his head spinning and his stomach feeling nauseous. Ray gripped his stomach and winced, letting out a gag.

Norman frowned.

Norman : '' Oh no Ray.. ''

Emma : '' Ray are you sick? ''

Ray shook his head and whined. He refused to believe that he is sick, tears falling down his cheeks. Isabella came over after some of the kids had said Ray, Emma and Norman were still in the forest.

Isabella : '' Is everything okay? ''

Emma : '' Mama, Ray is sick! ''

Ray coughs and gags, bringing up vomit onto himself as he let out quiet sobs.

Isabella frowned and carried Ray, she took him back inside and got him cleaned up.

Isabella : '' Norman, Emma. Please take care of Ray. I'm going to get some medicine for him. ''

Emma and Norman agreed, they helped Ray to bed and Norman put a bucket beside the bed in case Ray needs to be sick again.

Emma took care of the injury on Ray's leg that was bleeding.

Emma : '' Ray why didn't you tell us you were sick? ''

Ray whines, feeling really warm and disgusting. Norman felt Ray's forehead and frowned.

Norman : '' He's got a bad fever..''

Emma sighs. She went to get a towel, made it damp with cold water and bringing it back, placing it on Ray's head.

Emma : '' Guess he didn't realise he was sick. Normally he doesn't. ''

She plays with Ray's hair that was now damp and down, she frowned softly.

Norman : '' He looks like such a baby when he's sick. ''

He laughs, Ray still felt nauseous and dizzy but he managed to close his eyes and fall asleep.


When Ray woke up, he looked around, alone and in a dark room. He started to feel scared and nauseous.

He sat up weakly and grabbed the bucket from the floor and puked into it after dry gagging a few times. Norman came into the room.

Norman : '' Ray? Oh Ray...''

He frowns and goes to Ray, rubbing his back softly and putting his hair back so it wouldn't get messy.

Norman kept rubbing Ray's back until he stopped getting sick.

Ray : '' Norman.. I hate this.. ''

He coughed weakly, Norman frowned.

Norman : '' I know... here is the medicine. ''

He helped Ray take the medicine and held him close, playing with Ray's hair while Ray slowly fell asleep.

Emma came into the room.

Emma : '' He okay now? ''

Norman smiles weakly, looking at Emma.

Norman : '' H-he will be okay...''

Emma frowns.

Emma : '' Norman... are you okay? You don't usually stutter. ''

Norman sighs.

Norman : '' I'm just dizzy, I think I ran around too much today. ''

Norman laid down with Ray, he slowly fell asleep too. Emma went to Norman and felt his forehead.

Emma : '' Hmm... no fever.. I hope they are both okay. ''

She left the room to let them both rest.


Words : 752

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