- Chapter 3: Trust our friend's -

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- Jenny's Pov -

After what seems like hours of trying to fight the feeling of nothingness away i can hear people talking and see the shadows of people walking around me. I can even feel someone holding my right flesh hand while also feeling something tug on my metal arm. I try to listen to what everyone is saying around me but i can't concentrate enough due to the person tugging on my metal arm. Suddenly i start to hear a baby's cries and i don't know how but i knew that was my baby. The person holding my hand let go and the baby's cries got louder and i knew my baby is now right next to me.

"Doll? I'm holding our baby boy in my arms, he's handsome and healthy but he wants his mummy to hold him for the first time. Please Jen wake up and open your eyes" I hear Steve plead as he holds my hand again and something snapped inside of me hearing him plead like that

"S-steve" I stutter trying to open my eyes

"Jen!? You can do it baby" He said softly squeezing my hand

"I-is our b-baby okay?" I stutter in shock as i slowly open my eyes

"See for yourself doll" He said softly and i look to my right only to see Steve say in a chair holding our son who looks healthy and unharmed

"H-He's so handsome! T-thank god h-he isn't h-hurt" I stutter due to my throat feeling dry

"Here sister drink this it will help with the dry throat" James said as he stands next to Steve with a glass of water that has a straw in it

"Is i-it safe?" I asked anxiously

"It's straight from a unopened bottle and Jenny i wouldn't let anyone hurt you ever again your safe here please trust me, trust all of our friends" James said softly

I nod my head at him and he brings the glass closer to me then i take the straw into my mouth and drink the water while not taking my eyes of Steve or our son. I could still feel someone tugging on my metal arm and hear people talking on the left side of my body but i don't pay them any attention. I'm scared that if i take my eyes of Steve that i will be back in hydra being beaten half to death, tortured and experimented on like normal and that this is all just in my imagination.

"Jenny this isn't your imagination, you're not there anymore, oh my names Wanda by the way" A brown haired women said with red eyes which makes me flinch because of their unusual colour

"H-how did you k-know what i w-was thinking" I asked a little scared

"I can read minds and i'm sorry that my red eyes scared you they are only that colour when i use my power's" She said softly

"So this is all real? Me and my baby are finally out of that hell and back with Steve and James?" I asked without stuttering

"Yes doll it's all real you aren't there anymore, you and our baby are safe now" Steve said softly and happily

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