- Chapter 17: I found the perfect home -

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- Jenny's Pov -

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- Jenny's Pov -

After a good cry and everyone telling me how proud they are of me we all sat down to eat the rest if our breakfast and i also fed Elliott his bottle while i ate because he needs his breakfast too. I watch Everyone talk to one another about completly different things and i feel so incredibly lucky that these guys found me and Elliott when they did. I know for sure if they didn't find me and Elliott when they did hydra would have used me to end the avenger's by threatening to kill my sweet Elliott. They basically gave me and Elliott another chance at life and i now have another son, Peter Benjamin Parker-Rogers who is definitely going to have all the love in the world just like Elliott.

Suddenly i'm brought out my thoughts when Elliott smacks the bottle away from his face making me cooe at his cuteness. I put the bottle on the table and burp him making sure he doesn't have any trapped wind because that will give him belly ache. He burps a couple times in James direction and in seconds James takes Elliott out my arms and starts cooeing at him about what a strong boy he is going to growing into. I watch as Tony coughs as he stands up with a smile on his face and i know what he is about to say must be important or incredibly stupid.

"Now we have all finished eating i have a announcement" Tony said smirking at me and Steve

"Oh god, this can't be good" James groans beside me making me giggle

"Oh shut it Barnes, I'm sure you will like this announcement just as much as Steve and Jenny will" Tony said rolling his eyes

"Get on with it you oaf, i want to speak to Peter" Loki said slamming his hand on the table which yet again didn't make me flinch

"While spending my night in my lab as usual i thought about the fact none of us got the chance to give Jenny and Steve a wedding gift since none of us expect Bucky was alive back then. So i thought long and hard about what all of us can get them as a group gift and then it hit me, the avenger's who are their family can gift them their first family home. Steve, Jenny i have found you the perfect home and you will have the teams bank card to by whatever furniture you want to furnish the house" Tony said looking at me and Steve with a big smile on his face leaving me completely shocked and i know Steve is just as shocked

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