- Chapter 4: Maybe we can cuddle -

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- Jenny's Pov -

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- Jenny's Pov -

Nat helped me off the bed and helped me put on some clothes which are incredibly comfortable and the shirt or jumper is easy for me to move my metal arm in (Outfit above) Then Wanda brushed and plaited my waist long hair which felt nice having it out of the way. Once they were done they sat me in a wheelchair telling me how my body is still exhausted so walking is out of the question. I wanted to walk so i didn't look weak but Wanda shushed me and pushed the wheelchair out the medical room and into a moving box. Nat told me it's a elevator making me blush at how stupid i feel right now but they just told me it's normal for someone in my situation. The elevator started moving up making me grip the sides of the wheelchair tightly in fear that i will fall to my death that thought made Wanda reassure me that i am safe. When the doors opened i let out a sigh of relief as Wanda pushes me out and into a cozy looking livingroom that's when i see everyone sat on all the couches. I smile when i see Peter sat next to Steve cooing at our son who is still in Steve's arms and i try to wheel myself closer but the damn wheelchair won't move.

"We're here!" Nat said happily

"We heard the elevator Nat we know your here" Clint said rolling his eyes

"Push her over here Wanda i know that look in my sisters eyes, she wants to be near Steve to hold her son" James said from the couch opposite Steve

"Oh i'm so sorry Jenny" Wanda said then pushed me over to the couch then helped me sit down next to Steve

"You look beautiful doll" Steve said looking at me lovingly

"I look awful Stevie" I said looking down at my lap

"No you don't, you look just as beautiful as you did when i first saw you and those bruises and scars do not change anything" He said then kissed me quickly yet passionately

"I love you Steve always have always will" I said softly

"I love you too doll. Now put your arms like mine then you can hold our little boy" Steve said softly

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