- Chapter 19: Moving day part two -

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- Jenny's Pov -

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- Jenny's Pov -

It took us all morning and most of the afternoon to get the house the way we like it especially Peter's room because i had no idea that kid ordered so much for his room till we sorted his room out for him but i don't mind at all since he deserves everything he got. The only rooms we didn't get done in time was the laundry room and the separate bathroom but Steve and James said they will finish that tomorrow which stopped me from worrying over the room not being finished. Peter was amazing looking after Elliott while the rest of us did all the unpacking, because he didn't have to ask me how to do anything, he just did everything he needed to while saying i got out baby brother which made me cry alittle.

The team reluctantly left a few hours ago with a few tears shed leaving me, Steve, James, Peter and Elliott alone in our new home. We ate one of the meals Wanda prepared for us and my god i'm going to miss her cooking because she always makes the meals taste amazing. Now i'm sat in our new livingroom inbetween Steve and Peter with a coffee in my hand as i watch Elliott laying in his play gym looking at all the dangling animals. Peter is tinkering with his new laptop wanting it to be set up perfectly, James is sat on the chair next to the couch with a book in his hand reading it quietly and Steve has his sketch book in his hand drawing but he won't let see his drawing till it's finished.

"Mama Jenny do you think i could have Elliott in my room tonight?" Peter asked while blushing slightly

"Yes i can't see why not since i know sleeping in a new place is strange and you need tome to get used to the house but he will be sleeping in his nursery by the end of the week" I said softly then i smile when Elliott starts to make cute noises as he looks at a elephant teddy

"Your right mama, it makes me feel alittle uneasy being here because it's new but i know by the end of the week i will be fine to sleep alone and thank you for trusting me with Elliott" He said with a big smile

"You earned that trust today when you looked after Elliott when we were unpacking, you stayed calm and did everything you needed to do. That's why we are letting Elliott sleep in your room because we know you can handle anything that Elliott will need. Also we know that if you need help or are unsure of anything you will come to us or get James, your old enough to help with a baby" Steve said softly

"I already showed you which room is mine kid, just come get me if you need help with the little soldier" James said looking over at Peter

"Now how is the laptop setting up going on? Have you finished?" I asked curiously

"I've downloaded all the apps i use on a daily basis, i have also transferred all my photo's and the only thing left to do is download Friday into the system then i'm going to download her into the house for emergency, Mr Stark make it possible for me to do that for safety" He said typing away on his laptop and i look at Steve confused because i have no idea what any of that ment

"Don't ask me doll, I'm just as confused as you love" He said then kissed me sweetly

"Kids are present punk" James said glaring at Steve

"I know jerk, their my kids" Steve said glaring right back at James

"Oh stop it the both of you" I said rolling my eyes

"But Jenny he told me to keep it pg so he has too" James said like a upset child

"Stop acting like a child James, it was just a peck on the lips which was nothing like the teeth clashing kiss you shared with Wanda in the medical room" I said rolling my eyes

"I wanting to wash my eyes out with bleach after seeing that" Peter said shivering

"Don't you start kid, it wasn't that bad" James said putting his book down

"Oh it was and even though pop's covered my eyes i could hear you kissing" Peter said shivering again making me giggle

"Jenny tell him to stop! It wasn't that bad!" James said the pouted at me making me burst out laughing

"Peter that's enough laptop time, it's getting late so why don't you take Elliott to your room for bed" Steve said because i was to busy laughing

"Ha! You got to go to bed now Pete!" James said smirking

"At least Elliott will be in my room for the night" Peter said smirking as he got if the couch and put his laptop on the coffee table

"Damn it! Why does he get to have Elliott for the night!?" James said crossing his arms

"Because he earned it and he feels uneasy in the new house" I said after finally managing to stop laughing

"Goodnight mama, pop's, uncle" Peter said as he picked up Elliott out of the play gym then he came over and stood infront of me and Steve

"Goodnight honey, remember if you need help or are unsure of anything come get one of us" I said softly then kissed them both on the cheek

"Sleep well son" Steve said softly then kissed them both of the forehead

"Goodnight kid, come to my room if you need me" James said smiling at finally being called uncle

"Love you all" Peter said the literally ran out the livingroom and up the stairs leaving me, Steve and James in shock because that's the first time he's told us he loves us

"H-He loves us?" James asked in shock

"He said it for the first time doll" Steve said sounding just as shocked

"Our son loves us" I said with tears in my eyes



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