Chapter 3: Change Of Mind

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Pov. Tubbo (Age: 7) ⚠️6,8⚠️

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I did not pre write any of this... I just wrote it in the moment... Sorry if the book is bad...

Also I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting... It's just that writing this book has been a little difficult for me... After the next chapter we'll actually be getting to the real book... Please enjoy... And again... I'm so sorry, please find it somewhere in your heart to forgive me 😔♥️
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(Part one): Soon mother walked into the kitchen as father handed her a piece of toast. "I made this for you sweetie." He stated giving her a big kiss. After mother finished the toast she turned to me "So Tubbo... Are you ready to go?" I took a step back as I thought, hesitating "I-I'm not so sure..."

(Now onto the book!) :)

"Sweetie what do you mean? Why don't you wanna go?" Mother asked as she got down on her knees to my height. "Well, I'm just not so sure now... Can't we just hang out? Like we always did?" I asked pouting a little. Father walked out of the kitchen to finish getting ready. Mother scooped me up off of the ground then stated "Tubbo if we don't go now how will you ever make any friends?" She asked as I looked up at her... I had completely forgot about making friends but I knew father wouldn't like it much.

"F-fine I'll go." I stated as she began to walk to the front door with me still in her arms "Mooom! I can walk by myself." She opened the front door then she set me down "Okay, Okay, Fine, I needed a smoke break anyways." Mother stated walking out closing the door behind her and I. She lit her cigarette before taking a heavy puff. She opened the cheep white cars doors before picking me back up and sitting me down in my booster seat .

She then got in the driver's seat as we began driving down the road. "Do you want to listen to anything?" Mother asked "...uh, No thanks." I stated looking out the window in silence. Soon we arrived at what looked like a very colorful park laid in front of me. At that age the whole world was my park and I ruled it. I hopped out of the car and ran towards the park, seeing as it was my first time being at a non empty park.

I squealed with excitement, I ran up the stairs to a slide and slid down repeating this like thirty times (okay it was only ten, not the point!) I looked over at the swings and began running over to them. I closed my eyes as I collided with something or someone. I opened my eyes again seeing a boy my age with blonde hair, blue eyes, a red sweater and khaki shorts.

"I'm sorry!" I squealed as he looked at me "My name is Tommy! What's yours?" Tommy asked "My name? I'm Tubbo." (I know his real names Toby but I'm using his persona Tubbo, not Toby) "wanna go play together?" Tommy asked I smiled and nodded. I held my hand out as he grabbed it, we ran over to the swings. Two were empty so we sat down next to each other.

We swung so high that the world seemed so small. (They saw the bar at the top) Soon my mother and another woman walked over to us as we were getting off. Tommy ran over to the other woman yelling "Mommy! mommy! Look I made a friend!" He looked at me along with my mother, she had the biggest smile ever.

If she smiled any harder she would explode. "Okay it's time to leave." Mother stated causing me to start crying "Mother dearest please! I don't wanna leave! What about Tommy!?" I whined glad that it was mother and not father. I hugged Tommy not letting him leave "Mine!" I yelled sitting on the ground with Tommy.

"Guess we should set up a play date some time?" Tommy's mother asked but it sounded more like a question. "Sure." Mother dearest stated as the exchanged phone numbers. "Okay it time to go." Mother stated picking me up with one arm "Nooooo!" I whined as other parents looked at me.

"Sweety please don't do this now." Mother cried setting me down to look me in the eyes "If you don't cry the entire way home I'll make you some homemade cookies." Mother proposed "homemade?" I asked as she nodded. "Yes sweety." She stated as we walked to the car leaving the park.

We made it home, father was passed out drunk on the couch, that was a bad sign for mother and I. When he wakes up it's gonna be hell. Mother and I made it into the kitchen and began baking cookies together, we shared laughs, hugs and lots of smiles as we ate the cookies.

We heard a whimper from the living room. I ran over to father side even though mother told me not to. "Father?" I whispered but there was no answer, meaning he was still asleep. He was shivering so I ran over to my room got my bee blanket and put it on father.


Mother put me into bed, father was still passed out on the couch so mother gave me my blanket back. "Sweet dream my baby boy." She stated giving me a kiss on my forehead. "I love you." We both stated at the same time causing us to chuckle a little. "Your father loves you as well." Mother stated as I nodded, though I never believed her.

She eventually left my room, I was about to fall asleep when I heard the creak of my door, I pretended to be asleep knowing it was my father. He walked in and sat right next to me. He started messing with my hair a little before speaking "Your the best kid any father could ask for and even though I'd never admit it I love you and your mom. Your my little boy, and I'm your dad. Even if I'm a horrible father, I'm proud of you." Father stated causing a tear to fall from my eye but he didn't see it.

"I love you, Tubbo." He kissed me on the cheek before getting up and walking out of my room closing the door behind him. I cried until I fell asleep that night, I wish my father would actually tell me that in person one day. My eighth birthday was in a week maybe he'd tell me then?

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This is so far my favorite chapter TwT it has so many emotions... Also I wrote most of this chapter in class... Hehe... Meh 😑 who cares... Also I don't think I'm gonna keep putting the amount of words there are in a chapter anymore... Sorry 😐

🍄Eat something and please drink plenty of water🍄


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