Chapter 12: Wake Up Call

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Pov. Tubbo ⚠️1,3,5,6,7,11,12⚠️

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I did not pre write any of this... I just wrote it in the moment...a Sorry if the book is bad...
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The lights were dim, the screams loud behind the broken moldy wooden door. I looked through the key hole my mother was knelled on the floor facing away from father as he hit her with his leather belt that left deep gashes down her back. "I'M SORRY!" She shouted as father stopped and grabbed her hair tight pulling her towards him a little. "So than why'd you do it!?" Father shouted pushing her down before glancing around the room.

His eyes landed on the door, he examined the cracks and dents. His eyes met with mine "oh look, it's that mistake you had!" Father stated in a freaky happy voice. He bagan to walked over to the door as my mother shouted at him to stop but he swung the door open and looked down at me "IT'S YOUR FAULT!!!" Father shouted grabbing me by the hair and dragging me through the doorway that now lead to outside.

I could hear the crash of wheels hitting something. Father pulled me to look at the crash... It was the bus that killed mother. Her body laid underneath the bus, bones broken, a single tear fell from her eye. She opened her mouth which caused her jaw to break "you-r f-fault" she whispered as best she could with a broken jaw.




I sat up screaming with tears streaming down my face and soaking my pillow I glanced up and saw George, Dream, and Sapnap "I-I'm sor-ry... I'm so so-sorry." I muttered looked back down at my bed. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve as Dream pulled me in for a hug "It's okay, everything's okay. You just had a bad dream." He stated while rubbing my back. I slowly wrapped my hands around him as well. "It's-It's all m-my fau-fault!" I sobbed as all my words got muffled my his shirt.

"What's all your fault?" Sapnap asked as George elbowed him "shhh." George stated pushing him lightly. "My-My m-mom! It-It's all my f-fault!" I whined pushing dream away. I had pushed him so hard that I ended up hitting my head on the wall behind me. "What happened with your mom?" Dream asked looking at me as if he had guessed already.

I rubbed my head lightly before looking around me a little, glancing at every little thing that laid still, unmoving, unfazed. A clock, to tell time. Blankets, for our comfort. Shelf's, for storage. An alarm clock, to make sure you don't sleep forever. A closet holding barely any clothes that hung loosely being swayed by the light breeze of the fan. If everything was so peaceful then why was I suddenly thrown into my past when everything is supposed to be easier. Unless... What did I do wrong?

I looked up at dream a couple tears running down my cheeks "she-she- no I-I can't... I don't w-want to talk ab-about it." I stuttered out trying my best. "I-I have to go... To the bathroom." I stated snuffling in the blankets before getting off the bed slowly making my way to the restroom. I closed the door softly behind me before ploping down on the toilet looking down at the sleeve of the borrowed hoodie from Sapnap. I pulled up the sleeve and glanced at the blood covered bandages that my dad gave me.


Father laid on the couch while I stood in the kitchen making father food more specifically homemade chicken noodle soup. I began shredding the chicken with a large cutting knife. I was so happy that father wasn't heavily drinking right now, it was so nice. I thought while cutting the chicken as my brain began to wonder. I didn't realize how close the knife was to my arm. A warm liquid seeped from my arm... That's weir- my arm began to hurt as I looked down at the bloody mess that revealed itself on the counter. I was in so much pain, why did it hurt so much. I whined and grit my teeth together I set down the knife and walked into the kitchen showing father the open cut. His eyes grew wide as he began to panic, he was so worried for me that he ran around the whole house looking for bandages.

I miss that time, when father used to care about me... When he didn't leave me. I began carefully taking off my bandages, little red and pink lines littered my arm... Those are gonna scar and stay there like the ones on my thighs. I put the bandage on the sink and looked around the bathroom. I checked in the medicine cabinet and found them, razor blades. I pushed the blade on my skin before dragging it across causing beads of red to appear. The sensation of warmth felt so nice with the cold blade.

I kept cutting deeper with each one, it became almost unbearable so I set down the bloody blade on the sink before finding something for the pain. I put some cream on the wounds before picking at some of the old scabs when I got distracted by the empty feeling in the room.

I grabbed the bandages off of the sink and carefully wrapped my arm back up. Once I was done with that I unrolled my sleeve back down before getting off the toilet and opening the door. I walked back to the room I was staying in only to find the three still sitting on the bed whispering back and forth.

I plopped down on the bed disrupting their little conversation "hey Bee Boi.... How are you feeling?" Dreamed asked gently "I'm uh, I'm feeling okay. I guess." I responded looking down at the bed "okay, we're uh... Just checking and, you know making sure." Sapnap said while shifting on the bed a little.

"Do you want to sleep by yourself or do you want one of us to join you?" George asked with a look of sympathy. "I'll uh, be okay." I said pulling the blankets over my legs. "Okay, well good night Bee boi and try an get some sleep. It's only three am so get at least three more hours." Dream stated grabbing Sapnap by the arm and literally dragging him across the floor. "Well I gotta go pee!" George shouted running out of the room and into the bathroom

Shit! My razor blade!

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✨🌸If you ever at any point feel like life is meaning less please talk to someone, anyone. Please don't end your life for anything.🌸✨

❣️I love you, even if you don't love yourself❣️

Have a good day/ night.

Hopefully the next chapter will be longer... Much... Much... Much... Much.... Much... Much... Oh did I mention Much... Much longer. :)

I'm watching owl house! I love it!

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