Chapter 23: Back To School

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POV. Tubbo ⚠️1,12⚠️

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I did not pre-write any of this... I just wrote it in the moment...(a) sorry if the book is bad...
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The bus came to a quick stop causing me to be flung into the seat in front of me. I looked around to make sure no one realized how embarrassed I was, gladly no one did. I looked towards the door as I got comfortable in my seat again only to see Tommy. I waved my arms in the air catching his attention "Tubbo!" He shouted running to me giving me a big hug "Tommy you literally saw me last week." I stated as he squeezed me harder "That was sooooo long ago though!" He stated as I rolled my eyes playfully. "Tommy your a goofball." I sighed as he let go "so how was your morning?" I asked Tommy as he began explaining how Wilbur almost died making breakfast.

I smiled at Tommy as the bus came to another stop sending Tommy forward this time causing me to laugh "StOOoOoooOp!!!" Tommy whined pushing me into the window giggling as Ranboo sat next to Tommy, he started taking the bus to get out of the house early. "You guys wanna hang out after school?" Ranboo asked "Yeah sure... can you two help me with my Senior project?" Tommy asked as Ranboo and I nodded "Yep! Can do!" Ranboo agreed smiling. Soon we made it school "get off the bus now will ya?" The bus driver shouted looking back from his seat.

Lots of "sure", "whatever" and "yeah" were heard as we got off the bus walking up to the school causing us all to groan "ugh just three more days." Ranboo reminded us "why do you have to remind me!" Tommy complained deflating. Ranboo and I laughed at Tommy jokingly as he pouted.

"Just remember we're all gonna stick together even after this is over!" I stated smiling "we never fully discussed our plans..." Told Tommy as he looked at me "I know but- I yeah... we'll get it all figured out, right?" I asked looking over at them with an unsure look on my face. "Don't worry.." Ranboo put his hand gently on my shoulder "we will." He smiled at me causing me to blush as I cover my face nodding. Tommy just started laughing "OOooOoOoOoh~" "ToOoOoOmmy stop" I muttered as Ranboo took his hand off my shoulder and put in his pocket.

We made it to the schools doors, Tommy opened them before we all quickly entered. We walked down the halls talking about our plans until suddenly I felt water being poured over my head. I stood there in shock and soaked, I looked over only to make eye contact with a laughing Mike with Charlie and James laughing hysterically. Tommy looked PISSED Ranboo looked nervous and angry. Tommy Stormed over to Mike and hit the bucket to the floor "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!" Tommy shouted grabbing Mike by his shirt "T-Tommy stop... please..." I begged grabbing at Tommy's sleeve but Ranboo got in my way, Ranboo looked furious.

"Tubbo, he's been bullying you for how long!? Stop defending him!" Ranboo yelled causing me to back away from Ranboo, he was reminding me of my father. "R-Ranboo you're scaring me..." I muttered backing away more before turning and facing Tommy. Time seemed to slow down as I saw Tommy and Mike on the floor fighting, punches being thrown. I was frozen.


I looked at my father as he Punched, kicked and beat my mom mercilessly. I was frozen.


Next thing I knew we were all in the office, I was Soaked, Ranboo's nose was bleeding, Tommy and Mike were bruised and bleeding. "I called your parents." The security officers stated making my eyes widen. "U-um... who did you call f-for me?" I asked freaking out. "We called your dad." Tommy and Ranboo looked over at me freaking out, I started shaking and crying I wanted to throw up.The office door bust open revealing the principal and the art teacher aka Philza who was wearing a white and green striped button up and bucket hat with black dress pants and shoes while Wilbur had on a band shirt and ripped blue jeans with yellow converse.They ran in and took one look at Tommy "what the hell!" Wilbur yelled but Philza shushed him "they never explained until everyone parents are here." Explained Philza as they sat down beside Tommy.

Next one to enter was Mikes mother, she had blonde hair and green eyes this time she was wearing a short black skirt and a white button up, her shoes were tacky with oranges and pinks splashed over them "Mike, it's almost the end of the year what now..." She complained sitting next to him. Next, surprisingly was Ranboo's mom who looked dressed up as to not look bad in front of the other parents "_DeadName_ what happened?" She asked clearly not caring causing Ranboo to roll their eyes. "Now we're just waiting for yours." Explained the Officer while looking at me causing the other parents to look at me which shocked them as I was sitting there soaked in water.

There was a knock at the office door. "Come in!" The officer shouted as the door creaked open.

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I'm finally back!!!! Sorry for being gone I lose all my motivation and energy... sorry!!!

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