Chapter 11: Food... Tasty

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Pov. Tubbo ⚠️6,12⚠️

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I did not pre write any of this... I just wrote it in the moment...a Sorry if the book is bad...
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I placed my last card seven, yellow. "Ha! I won again!" I shouted leaning back "TUBBO LETS GO!" Sapnap shouted causing me to flinch and stand up as quickly as I could "gotta go!" I stated opening the door and running down the hallway as quickly as I could. I ran to Sapnap "sorry." I stated looking at the floor realizing how interesting it was all of a sudden.

I thought he was mad at me for taking too long, (even though it took him like two seconds) I thought he was gonna hit me... Like father. I closed my eyes and tensed my body... But nothing Came. So I looked up and saw Sapnap looking down at me with a look of... Sorrow And... sympathy? "I'm sorry for shouting. But uh... What do you want for dinner?" Sapnap asked as we walked out of the SleepyBoiInk's residence "You can make whatever you want." I said getting into the car "no I meant that we were going to go out to eat... So what did you want? McGonald's, Ardy's, Burger Queen, Ihot, Dragon Pity?" Sapnap suggested looking at the road as he began to drive.

"I have never been to any of those." I stated looking down in shame. "Well what kind of food are you in the mood for?" Sapnap asked taking a right turn. "Chinese food I guess?" I mean it sounded good. We pulled into the driveway and hopped out of the car before making our way tothe door. He grabbed out his keys and unlocking the door. Soon we made our way inside and sat down on the couch next to George and Dream. "We're eating Chinese food tonight, but we're ordering in." Sapnap stated pulling out his phone and handing it to me "go ahead and look at the menu, take your time." I looked down at the phone and began reading the choices. "I'll just eat something at home I don't want you spending money on me." I stated trying to set his phone down but he just handed it back to me.

"Don't worry about the price. Just get what you want, please." George pleaded so I went along with it and began my search for food. "Um... Can I have-" Sapnap interrupted me "Just order off the device." Sapnap stated so I looked back at the menu and began ordering sesame chicken, broccoli, white rice, and two Crab Ragoons. (That what I always get) I handed Sapnap the device and continued watch whatever was on which was nothing so Dream started flipping through the channels "Why is there never anything on!?" Dream shouted causing me to flinch "sorry..." I muttered to which they looked at me "it's okay, bee boi it's not your fault... How about was watch something on Disney minus?" George asked handing me the remote his smile kind, his touch gentle.

I clicked on the Disney minus button which caused the logo to pop up on the screen as it began loading. When it was finished it pulled up three different accounts DreamWasTaken, GeorgeNotFound, and SnapMap. "You can make your own account." Sapnap stated pointing at the remote "uh... Okay?" I question as I clicked on the add account button.

I put in the name 'Tubbo_' and chose a picture of this boy with blonde hair, magenta eyes, he's a cartoon character. I pressed enter and it made the account. It opened my account as I began my search for something to watch when I saw the character that is from my profile picture. Owl Home... That sound cool. I clicked on the show as it began to play... Coooooool.

We continued watching until the man with food arrived at the door and much to my dismay dream paused the show and answered the door. "Oh hey, here's the money and the tip." Dream stated handing the man some money and grabbing the bag from the man. "Thank you." Dream walked back over to us and set down the food on the table before everyone began sorting through it. "That's mine!" "Hey!" "Wait isn't that?" Finally we got it all sorted out before playing owl home.

The night was a blast... Also I found out that I really like Chinese food. For the first time in... Well a long time (since he was eight) my tummy was full. Things were finally getting better for me. It's like nothing could go wrong!

This is NOT the end of the book... :) So I hope you enjoyed this... I liked writing it even if this is NOT where I wanted the story to go at ALL... But I'll get over it... I'll just have to use my brain to make it good... And not give up half way through which is difficult for me... So anyways see you.

🌸Eat and drink plenty and I love you, even if you don't love yourself 🌸

I'm not gonna lie to you guys/ gal's, I'm getting kinda tired of writing this... But I WILL finish this book even if it is the DEATH of me! I swear it on my life! This book feels meaningless... Sorry

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