Chapter 15: Home... Or So I Thought

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Pov. Ranboo ⚠️1,6,8,13⚠️

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I did not pre-write any of this... I just wrote it in the moment...(a) sorry if the book is bad...
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I looked down at my phone

Rainbow 🌈 (texting Tubbee 🐝💕)
Tubbo... where are you?




I looked up from my phone... why wasn't he answering? I can't leave the tree cause what if he needs me here!? Tommy already left so how am I supposed to find him!? He was already five minutes late though...

POV. ???

My boyfriend and I were walking down the sidewalk near the school when we saw a man trying to drag a kid across the street "look, you'll understand when your older! I just- you'll see, I promise." The man stated wrapping his arms around the kid when he tried to run "leave me alo-" the kid got cut off when I shouted from over here "Hey! Let him go!" I ran over to him grabbing into the man. My boyfriend followed concerned for the boy, "This is none of your-" the kid tried running from his grasp but couldn't and he start hyperventilating "h-help" he wheezed out seeming to not get any air in his lungs no matter how hard he tried to breath.

I pushed the man off him, I always made rash decisions like that, so it didn't really surprise my boyfriend but it did cause the kid to flinch. "Tubbo, you'll understand. You will." The man stated before walking off. I looked down at the boy "are you okay, who does that muffin think he is?" My boyfriend, badboyhalo asked him "I- I'm fine, thank you for helping me." The kid stated "So your names, Tubbo? I heard the man say it, do you know him?" I asked looking down at the boy "Yeah my names Tubbo... he uh- no I- I don't know him." The boy stated before a shout could be heard "Tubbo! Oh my God that where you were! I was waiting for you by the tree! I thought you were in trouble, I'm so glad your okay." The other boy stated walking over wrapping his hand around Tubbo causing him to blush as bad gasped "we'll leave you two alone." Bad grabbed my arm and dragged me away laughing.

POV. Tubbo

I can't believe my dad showed up, he already left why does he suddenly what me back? The two left us as I apologized to Ranboo "Alrighty let's go see this house of yours!" I smiled as he began walking his arm still hung around shoulders "Your smiles really cute, you should do it more." Ranboo stated blushing. I covered my face with my hands "Gosh Ranboo that was so cheesy!" I laughed as we walked down the side walk, we talked the whole way. We made it to the door of his house, he hesitated before grabbing the handle "If you don't feel comfortable with me going in your house we could go to the par-" I got cut off by the front door slamming open to reveal a drunk woman "_Deadname_, sweetie... who this? Wait never mind I don't care." She stated grabbing Ranboo by the arm and dragging him in the house before yelling at him "h-hey!" I tried shouting to get her attention.

It didn't work "Tubbo just- meet me at the park, I'm sorry." Ranboo stated slamming the door with his foot. I feel horrible knowing I couldn't do anything so I banged on the door, I wanna help! Please let me help! The door swung open the woman stood in the door way as Ranboo laid on the ground holding his face "Can-ca-" all my confidence was gone the glare she gave scared me have to death. "Fuck off, kid!" She shouted pushing me which caused Ranboo to react by grabbing her leg. She turned around "Your problem is with me, leave Tubbo out of this!" Ranboo shouted standing up "what are you gonna do about it!?" She shouted poking Ranboo in the chest when she said 'you'. She turned back to me and pushed me again.

Ranboo grabbed her and pushed her before punching her in the eye "come on Tubbo." Ranboo let go of her and grabbed my wrist leading the way to the park, his touch was gentle not an ounce of anger. "I'm so sorry that you had to see... that." Ranboo apologized as we entered the park "hey, hey Ranboo it's okay. I understand... I should have left." "Well I'm glad you didn't." Ranboo smiled as we got to the swings he hopped on one so I sat next to him... this reminds me of Tommy....

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