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they/them prns

at school !
you were moose's younger step-sibling
• robin saw him telling you off for wearing something he didnt like
• you politely explained to moose that you didnt like what he was saying to you, and that his words hurt
• robin intervened the moment he saw moose grab you by the neck, holding you against your locker and cutting off your airways
• he took notice of how your breathing quickened
• you had been having a panic attack
• robin immideately held you close to him, breathing with you
• "in and out, in and out. thats it, you're doing so great."
• he hugged you until you had stable breathing and were able to render the situation properly
• he then introduced himself
• "i'm y/n." you said.
• robin smiles. "cool name."

at a baseball game !
• before the game, finn caught a glance at you and noticed how breathtaking you were
• he would flick his eyes over towards your face, sitting on the edge of your seat in anticipation
• it made him almost more prepared to pitch
• in fact, he got so distracted looking at you that he pitched a perfect ball to bruce yamada, the opposing batter, causing him to hit a homerun
• he looked at you in defeat and frowned when he saw you were smiling at bruce, your eyes following him as he ran
• after the game, bruce went up to finney to compliment his pitches
• "your arm is mint! almost got me." bruce stated. he noticed how finney wasnt paying attention to his words, but you, rather.
• he leaned close to finney's ear. "thats y/n l/n. good-looking one, arent they?"
• finney looked at him and smiled, looking back at the empty seat he could have sworn you were just in
• you had left your seat, only to approach him, your eyes staring at your feet
• when bruce noticed he smirked, inching away from finney and you
• "hi. finney blake, is it?" you asked sweetly
• "i- yeah! yeah, thats me." he stuttered
• "nice pitches. almost won us the game!" you said. "you'll get em next time." you leaned close to his ear just as bruce did, only closer
• "just a tip; Hilton, #46, is bad at low pitches. Dolan, #12, is bad at high pitches and middle pitches." you advised
• finney listened to you intently, admiring your face as he did so

at her house !
• you moved into the house across from hers and baked your new neighbors some fresh cookies as a friendly "hello!"
• you brought them to their door, gwen answering, being taken aback by your beauty
• "hi! im y/n, y/n l/n. im also your new neighbor, so i wanted to give you these as a greeting!" you said, offering the tray of chocolate chip and walnut cookies
• gwen took them, giving you thanks, refusing to make eye contact to avoid fainting on the spot
• "oh! thanks, i'm gwen blake. i, sadly, cannot talk right now, but i do hope to see you around, y/n l/n !" she cringed at herself. she knew you werent on first-last name basis quite yet.
• you smiled and her breath hitched. "you too, gwen blake."

while playing pinball !
• you were shopping, exhausted, and decided to cool off by playing some pinball, as that one hot, tough kid with a perm wasnt there at that given moment
• however, fifteen minutes in, just as you swore at yourself for losing, someone spoke from behind you
• "hey, shitface. move" it hollered. you turned around, startled, only to see Pinball Vance.
• he looked at you and his eyes went from blazing to caring
• he came closer to you and put his hand under your chin
• "im sorry, honey. if i knew you were such a pretty thing i wouldnt have yelled." he said, his voice just above a whisper. you blushed, and he smiled at you
• "do you think you could move over for me?" he asked you. you nodded and obliged, grabbing your grocery bags and pulling out a note you always kept just incase someone like vance came along, taking it from your pocket and putting into vance's. he took hold of it and unwrapped it almost immideately
• "xxx-xxx-xxxx, call me :)" it read. vance looked your way
• he smirked and winked at you, making plans in his head to call you when he gets home

on his way home !
• he was on his bike, driving back to his place after victoriously hitting a homerun and winning his baseball game
• you were sitting under a willow tree reading a book bruce had just returned to the library
• he couldnt help but pull over. you looked so serene with your hair swiftly moving in the wind. you looked like a movie star in his eyes
• "good book. just finished it." he said. you looked up at him
• "yeah, i love it so far. boring but captivating, you know?"
• bruce knew just what you meant. thats exactly how he had felt about it
• "dont spoil the end !" you joked, warningly pointing at him and narrowing your eyes to add onto the comedy
• bruce chuckled. "the names-" he started, only to be interrupted
• "bruce yamada. yeah, i know - our parents went to grade school together. my dad hung with yours during the baseball game today."
• suddenly something clicked in bruce's mind. "oh! you're a l/n arent you?" he asked
• you nodded. "y/n. im the oldest of the bunch."
• you and bruce made small talk for about twenty minutes, his body never leaving his bike and your book staying open
• he rode home that day and made it home SAFELY, the thought of you making him happier than ever

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