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TW // Underage smoking, strong language
she/her prns

Vance sat adjacent to the girl with him, Y/N. She was watching the muscles in his face twitch has his frustration with his game intensifies. His fingers fidgeted smartly with the control panel, pressing buttons when he needs to and avoiding them when he doesn't.

In fact, that's all that interested her. His hands. The way he moved them so cleverly without second thought, the way they gripped the corners when the game abruptly ended, causing him to shout "Fucking game!", or something along those lines. She wasn't paying attention anyways.

Vance looked at her. "What the fuck are you staring at me for?" He asked rudely. She smiled a little bit. She was used to this behavior.

She didn't answer his question. "Wanna smoke?" She inquired, grabbing a pack of cigarettes from a nearby shelf and slipping them into her pocket. Vance smirked as if to say "That's my girl."

"You little fucking klepto," He mocked, grabbing Y/N's hand and dragging her out of the store. The oblivious cashier didn't bat an eye. "Lucky you didn't get caught." He started walking with her.

Y/N exhaled. "You're one to talk, shitface. Didn't you beat up a seventh grader yesterday?" She said, taking a cigarette from her newly shoplifted pack.

Vance scowled. "That motherfucker," He scorned unapologetically. "He said you had nice boobs." His defense didn't do much to Y/N. It only made her laugh.

"He's mid-puberty, Vance," She empathized with the unnamed boy. "Of course he's gonna be attracted to my tits."

Vance's face twisted. Y/N looked at him. "You aren't jealous, are you, Vance?" She asked teasingly.

He just barely grinned, containing his smile. "No," He said. It wasn't convincing. "Right, right. You didn't think I was gonna leave you for him. Totally believeable." She snarked. He shived her with his side, walking with her to an alleyway.

They stopped and sat down. He handed her his spare lighter.

"Thanks, babe." She said, putting the cancer stick inbetween her lips and letting the flame from the lighter ignite the end. Vance admired her, lighting his own cigarette.

She blew out puffs of smoke in no particular direction, watching the smoke dance, the smell binding to the fibers in her clothes and replacing the original scent of fabric softener.

Vance continued to look at her, only looking away to blow smoke to his right, then turning right back. Y/N took notice but acted unknowing.

"You know you don't have to fight everyone who finds me attractive, right?" Y/N asked. "Not if they aren't bothering me."

Vance shrugged. "I worry," He said "Sue me."

Y/N laughed quietly. Vance couldn't help but crack a smile. "There will be no lawsuits, honey. Just.. I don't know," She started, hesitating near the end. She rubbed his knee with her thumb, the rest of her hand folding over the remaining denim. "Try laying low on the fighting?"

Vance gave her a stunned look. "Laying low?" He repeated. "But- fighting distracts me, Y/N." He whined. She came closer to him and kissed his jaw.

"I can distract you," She suggested. Vance leaned on her a bit when she put her head on his shoulder, grabbing another cigarette from the pack. "It's healthier than fighting."

"Yeah, but..." Vance trailed off. He couldn't think of an excuse. It was less wounds for him. More kisses, rather. Someone to hold. That excited him.

He looked down at her. She looked up. She kissed his lips, he grinned. "I care. Okay? I care. Remember that." She said.

Vance couldn't think, let alone think to hold back the blush creeping up onto his cheeks and the tears ready to fill his eyes. "Care", such a word scarcely used by family and never used by friends. The built up impact was put on Vance all at once, and he could feel his mental state improving by the minute.

He repeated it in his mind as he kissed her again, this time with more passion. He held her cigarette for her as their lips danced.

"I care. Okay? I care. Remember that." Her words replayed over, and over, and over.

Happiness consumed his soul as a tear rolled down his face, being wiped away immideately by his hands that then held his lover's face. All was well.

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