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"Mary is the girl that I wanna kiss, she's got big red eyes and big red lips"

Robin adored Y/N from his standing position, grinning ever so slightly. He allowed himself to daydream about her. He wanted to hold her face in his battered hands and kiss her softly, or roughly, whatever she asked of him. His heart skipped a beat as her boyfriend, Jace Walt, came up to kiss her cheek. The way she looks  at him made Robin's battered heart turn to mush.

"She's got a leather heart and leather gloves"

People question how Jace got through to her. She's infamous for her heart of steel, never allowing anyone to get her to open up or show her soft spot. Robin, However, is confident he could get her to tell him things she's never told anybody before.

"She's the only girl that I wanna love"

Robin wanted her. He wanted her more than anything else, and his craving to love her only grew every time she saw them kiss. He could kiss her better. He knew he could. He could hold her in his arms and make her feel safer than he ever could. These constant thoughts made Robin ache in jealousy and caused anger to bubble inside of him.

"Listen to me, baby, I don't mind, I wanna be with you and waste my time."

Robin didn't give two fucks about how he was wasting time on wanting her so bad. He was determined to make her his, not just stare, oggling at her and drooling. He would save that sappy shit until they were together, officially. Because he knew it would happen, he could feel it in his soul.

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