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they/she prns

spanish nicknames !
• no bc tell me this man wouldnt call you mami.
• cariño is a common one (( translation: my dear ))
• the classic, the ICONIC mi amor
• you just call him robin, and baby sometimes
• the only english thing he calls you is sweetheart, and he saves that for when you're upset
• you call him papi sometimes to piss him off
• its all fun n games until he starts ignoring you smh

sweet, old-timey nicknames !
• dear, angel, honey, really anything you'd see that one sweet old couple callinf each other
• angel is his favorite
• he doesnt gaf what you call him
• as long as it aint daddy 💀
• you call him handsome (aw)
• he gets all blushy and soft, its adorable

pet names that mock your physcial appearance !
• she likes teasing you lmao
• e.c.: blondie, freckles, curls, etc.
• its cute honestly
• sometimes you clap back w the "okay u fucking christian"
• bff said 😟 when gwen prayed to have dreams about you that night.

anything that compliments how you look !
• e.c.: beautiful, gorgeous, handsome, cutie, etc.
• dollface is a favorite of his
• he calls u sexy when you get insecure
• you're hot and he makes sure you know it
• the only odd one out is "babygirl"
• its not like gross tho, he makes it sweet and not super sexual
• you call him v :) he thinks its precious

anything to compliment your personality !
• he likes to compliment your bubbly personality
• cutie, precious, darling, etc.
• a fuckton of "sweetheart"s from this man
• you call him brucie bc it pisses him tf off
• the only time he hits you <\3
• OKAY THATS A JOKE but he does like smack your arm
• all jokes aside, you call him bub

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