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♡︎ // AUTISM
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cast included!
requested by hepnerfilms
they/them prns


it doesnt change how he sees you whatsoever
• however, he is very weary of your sensory issues, always keeping quiet and avoiding very crowded places so you wont get overwhelmed
• always talking to you and letting you gush about your obsessive interests, listening intently
• comforts you when you're feeling social disconnect
• beats tf out of your bullies. bro doesnt hold back

• constantly reminds you that in the grand scheme of things, you're no different from everyone else. you arent "special" (derogatory) or less than.
• he has you explain some of your traits so he can understand better
• good at calming you down when you get anxious
• ( if you have it ) praising you for your higher-than-average ability in a certain subject, also know as savantism
• preventing you from any self harm

• prays for you when it gets hard ( it being bullies, self harm, social disconnect, etc.)
• like robin, she gushes with you over your interests
• takes note of smaller traits like disliking surprises, sensory overload, so on and so forth
• cusses out anyone who tries you

• doesnt really understand
• he knows what upsets you and stuff ( loud noises, crowds, things that make you anxious, etc.)
• you need to remind him of certain traits such as not responding when your name is called, joint attention, and ticks.
• handles it decently, but has a lot to learn

• his view changed on you in the aspect of " i have to protect
them "
• so paranoid you'll get anxious during his baseball games due to the noise
• one of your obsessive interests is actually sports, especially baseball, so the noise doesnt bother you as much
• helps you a lot with self acceptance and bullying

• cautious of tendencies that inflict harm upon yourself, even if they're subconsious
• self harm, social disconnect, ticks, etc.
• texts you all the time to check up on you
• tells his friends to not be loud, to not bring up certain things, all that
• protective

• worried tbh
• he really just wants you to be okay, and he knows some of your traits almost prevent that
• hides things you could use as self harm tools
• the best at distracting you
• sits with you and holds your hand during panic attacks to calm you down

• always has a tab open of autistic traits as a reminder, and to know if something you've been doing ( usually a form of self harm ) is caused by your autism
• him being your therapist. like he gets you through everything
• cuddles when it all gets to be too much <3

• like brady, hes always helping you through things
• will not stand for any ableism or discrimination against you, especially for something out of your control
• avoids things like suprising you, reminding you of your autism, stuff that can trigger you in general

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