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Jeongguk's body tensed as he awoke, a rush of cold dread washing over him as memories from the night before came flooding back. He recollected his sudden confession to Jimin and their subsequent make-out session on the slide – Jimin's laughter was music in his ears, his lips tingling from the passionate kisses they had exchanged. Jeongguk felt like sinking into the earth, wishing he could disappear from existence.

Maybe he could go walk in front of a train. That would be a quick and painless death.

"Jeongguk, come help put this shit away!"

Jeongguk left his room and went into his kitchen. His mom was standing there, drinking a beer. On the table were tons of groceries.

"Where'd you get the money for this?"

"It involved a guy and dick, are you sure you wanna hear the rest?"


Jeongguk began to unpack the food and put it away.

"How was the party?"

"It was fine."

"You didn't come home till late last night, what was that about? You used to be so weird. You only studied. Even now, you chose to skip school today. You've never done that."

"Does it matter?"

"I guess not. I'm going to bed, I need a nap!"

His mother left the kitchen and he sighed.

That's right. Jeongguk didn't go to school today. He felt it would be too awkward. What if Jimin didn't want to be around him anymore?

While Jeongguk was worried about what Jimin was thinking, Jimin was worried about Jeongguk.

He could hardly remember a thing from last night. His head was a little fuzzy. He remembers going to the park and that was it. He doesn't even remember how he got home.

Currently, he was by Jeongguk's locker, waiting for the said boy to show up, but he never did. The only one to pop up was Cho.

"Hey, where have you been? It seems like you've been avoiding me."

"No what made you think that?" Jimin asked, walking away. Cho quickly caught up to him.

"Have I done something to upset you"

"Cho, do you love me?"

"Yeah, of course, I do. You're so beautiful."

"So you only like me for my looks?"

"No! I love how...how you always try to... Jimin, I love you. Does it matter why?"

"Yes, it does. If you can't give me an answer, we have to break up."

"Are you serious?"


"Jimin! That's so unfair."

"Then I guess we are breaking up."

Jimin tried to walk away, but Cho grabbed his arm.

"You can't fucking leave me!'

"Let go of me!"

"No, we are staying together and that's final!"

Cho forcefully dragged Jimin away to an empty spot behind the school stairs and slammed him into the wall.

"I'm so tired of your shit! All you do is complain! Complain! Complain! I've been putting up with your shit for the past two years! You are a selfish bitch who only cares for himself! I'm starting to think that the only reason you aren't having sex with me is that you're having sex with other people!"

"No! I would never!"

"That must be it! All this time I'm thinking you don't like me, but you're out there whoring around. I mean, only whores would send ass pictures."

"I'm not a whore!"

"Yes, yo-"

Cho was pushed onto the ground by Taehyung.

"What the fuck is your problem?! Don't ever touch Jimin again! Get the fuck out of here before I beat the shit out of you!"

Cho got up and rolled his eyes at Taehyung.

"Don't be pissed off at me because you're friends with a slut," he said before walking away.

When he was out of sight, Jimin hugged Taehyung tightly, crying into his chest.

"Don't listen to him Jimin, you are not a whore. If he says some shit like that again, beat him to a pulp."


So, Jeongguk decided to come to school. He couldn't mess up his days like that. Missing one class was better than missing a whole day.

Walking in, he heard lots of people talking and whispering. Whatever the hell that was about, but that's when he saw Jimin coming out of the bathroom, and standing next to a waiting Taehyung.

It would have been best to ignore them for now. He needed to get to his second block class. He quickly walked down the halls, walking past people, he even walked past a smirking Cho. Whatever that was about.

He walked into his class and sat down. A guy quickly came over and smirked at Jeongguk.

"So Jeongguk is it? Tell me, is he tight?"

Huh? What the hell was he talking about?

"Cho was telling us that you and Jimin have been fucking around, so how is he? Based on his body, he can probably fit directly into your hands. Shit, the way his ass is shaped, I bet it fucking jiggles in your hands. Boy! The things I would do to him, you are one lucky son of a bit-"

Jeongguk punched him, and everyone in the class turned around and stared.

In a matter of seconds, everyone's phones began to ding.  He grabbed the phone from the boy he punched and looked at the message. An unknown number has sent something.

Oh no!

It was a picture of Jimin showing his ass.

Another ding went off as another message was sent out.

-Step outside-

Everyone ran outside and pictures were everywhere. Poor Jimin, he must have been in shock by now. If he went to go find him, would it only make things worse?

Suddenly, the PA system came on.

Would Park Jimin please come to the main office? I repeat, Park Jimin to the main office.

This was not going to end well.


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