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"And she was all over him! She even pressed her boobs against him, begging him to let her stay! She even looked at me funny, like I was taking candy from her or something. Like... Like I took Jeongguk away from her!"

"I'm hearing you talk, but what does it matter? You don't even like Jeongguk, nor are you dating him," Taehyung stated, turning his head to look at the love of his life. Yoongi was in the bathroom, throwing up his guts.

Yoongi said he caught a stomach bug.

"Still, I asked him about her this morning during class, and he told me she was staying with him. He can't allow a girl who is throwing herself at him to stay. Who knows what will happen?"

"Is that really of you're business? Jeongguk is capable of handling himself."

"I know but, she just rubs me the wrong way."

"If that's the case, just tell Jeongguk."

"I can't, that would just cause problems. Jeongguk... He is special to me."

"So you do like him?"

"I don't know. He makes me feel... I don't know."

"Well, just be upfront with him. Don't hide and be you. I've seen the way he treats you, and tells the truth. I think he needs someone like you to break down his walls."

"You think so?"

"Yes, so don't trip, we have bigger things to worry about."

"Like what?"

Taehyung gave one last look at Yoongi, before leaning down to Jimin.

"Yoongi thinks he has a stomach bug, but he doesn't. A few weeks ago, he went into heat and I forgot to use a condom. Since then, his scent has been extremely sweet and he doesn't even realize he's nesting. The other day, we argued because I wouldn't give him my jacket. He's going to kill me if he goes to the doctor. I'm a dead man, do you hear me!"

"Hear what?" Yoongi asked coming out of the bathroom.

"Jimin is having boy issues and he won't listen to my advice. How's your stomach?" Taehyung asked, letting Yoongi sit in his lap.

"I feel like shit... I might go to the hospital later."

"No, you don't need to do that. I can just go get you some medicine. "

"I've already taken medicine and it hasn't been working."

"Maybe it's the wron-"

"Yoongi-hyung, you're pregnant," Jimin stated, getting up and grabbing his bag.

"Excuse me?"

"Taehyung told me you went into heat and he said he didn't use any condoms."

"JIMIN!" Taehyung yelled.

"You told me to be upfront, so you should as well. Lying will not solve the problem the two have to deal with. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go meet up with Jeongguk."

"I think I should go too!" Taehyung exclaimed trying to sit up, sadly, Yoongi was sitting on him.

"You are not going anywhere! What the hell Taehyung!"

"Jimin! Ji-Jimin! JIMIN!"

Jimin drowned Taehyung's screams out as he left Taehyung's house and got in his car, headed to Jeongguk's house. He kept practicing what he was going to say.

Over the past few weeks, Jeongguk had become a part of his life. He would even like to think they became friends, maybe... Maybe they could even become something more. 

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