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"I thought you might be here?"

Jimin looked up from his spot on the swing and saw Jeongguk walking over to him.

"How did you figure?"

"You took me here once, remember?"

"Oh, yeah..."

"So," Jeongguk sat on the swing next to him, "Taehyung nearly killed me."

"What do you mean?"

"He pinned me against the wall and bared his teeth at me. I thought he was going to rip off my neck."

"I don't know why, I'll talk to him for you..."

"Your dad is also pretty pissed you left."

"My phone died."

"Wanna talk about why you left?"

"I just started feeling bad. Besides, I didn't want to interrupt anyone."

"Is that the truth?"

"Yes, why does it matter!?" Jimin asked with a bit of attitude.

"I don't think you would leave if you weren't feeling good. You would have told someone."

"I don't have to tell everyone how I'm feeling every 20 fucking seconds!" Jimin yelled. He ended up standing up and walking away when Jeongguk tried to reach for his hand.

"Just leave me alone," Jimin stated, going to the slide and sitting down. Not long after, Jeongguk came and crouched in front of him, taking his hands in his.


"Just go away, shouldn't you be getting ready to leave for America?"

"You heard that? Is that what this was about? You ran away because they asked me about a job?"

"I know you said yes..."

"Okay, but why did you run away? I won't be leaving until after graduation."

"You'll still be leaving..."

"Why do you care so bad about me leaving? I know we're friends, but this could be a life for me. You've seen how my life is."

Friends? Ouch!

"I thought I meant something more to you than a friend..."

"You do, but we've never really talked about what we are... Are we friends who just kiss? Friends who hold hands? We haven't discussed anything!"

"If...if we were more, would you stay?"

"No, I mean, this is my life we're talking about. I don't have a future just sitting around doing nothing. With my art, I might have an actual chance."

"So it wouldn't matter anyway..."

Jeongguk sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Jimin, do you like me?"

Jimin nodded.

"Do you want to be with me?"

"I do, but not if you leaving..."

"Jimin, if you like me, you'll want what's best for me, right?"


"Then you should have no problem with me leaving."

"What about us... You and I?"

"Jimin, I'm not someone you want to be with. I can't take you on dates, or buy you nice gifts, or anything. You deserve the world, and I can't give that to you."

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