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"WOO!" Taehyung exclaimed as he took three swigs of some drink at the bar. Meanwhile, Jeongguk was sitting down in a lounge chair, by the pool. His eyes were trained on Jimin, who was in the pool, playing ball with some girls. Jimin had asked if he wanted to play, but he declined.

"Jeongguk, I brought you a drink man. You need to loosen up," A guy said coming over. An alpha named James. He was that one omega's cousin.

"I'm good."

"Come on, it's a party," He said forcing the drink into Jeongguk's hand and sitting down next to him.

"You are the only one not having fun, live a little. Talk to some girls, go fuck in a bedroom to something."

"I'm fine."

"Come on, these girls are cute as fuck."


"I can see where you're coming from. With a friend like Jimin, who would want anyone else? Look at that ass. I bet that shit jiggles when you thrust into it."

Jeongguk looked at the contents of the cup and chugged it.

"Is he single? I know you guys are seniors, so what's his deal? Does he like older guys or will he stick to his level? Fuck, the shit I would do to him. I would have him screa— shit, here he comes."

Jimin pulled himself out of the water and walked over to Jeongguk, smiling at him.

"Are you okay? You don't look so happy. Are you ready to leave?"

"No, I'm fine. Taehyung on the other hand, I think he is drunk," Jeongguk pointed. Taehyung was doing some shots off of people's bodies.

"He will be alright, especially if I threaten to call Yoongi. Well, come join me in the water in a bit?"


Jimin gave him one last smile before going and jumping back in the water.

"Damn, I hate to see him leave, but I love to watch him walk away. The way his shorts clung to his ass like that. Shit, his voice was so fucking sexy," James said, taking a sip of his drink.

Jeongguk just let out a shaky sigh.

"J-Jeongguk, buddy!" Taehyung exclaimed walking over with a big glass bottle and two cups.

"I got us some drinks."

He poured the drinks and gave one to Jeongguk who chugged it down.

"Imagine what he sounds like when he's being pounded into. I bet he takes that shit like a fucking champ. Fuck, I would have hi. screaming my na—"

Jeongguk took the glass bottle and swung it on James' head, making him fall to the ground. 


"Are you out of your fucking minds?! All of you! How do you think it makes me look if a group of my students end up in jail? Especially if two of them are being charged with assault and the rest of them are high and drunk?! And you Jimin! I expected more from you!"


"I've called your parents to come and figure out their way of punishment. If they decide to let you stay, you will be watched like a hawk."

The teacher walked away and everyone groaned.

"We should have never brought them! We would have gotten away with it, if not for them," one of the girls complained.

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