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"Wait! You're going to fa-fast!" Jimin moaned out as Jeongguk pounded into him.

"Want me to stop?" Jeongguk asked, slowing down. Jimin quickly shook his head no, causing Jeongguk to smirk. Jimin let out a cry and bit Jeongguk's shoulder once Jeongguk hit a certain spot.


"What is it, baby?"

"Feels good!"

"How good?"

"So good! Gonna cum!"

"Cum for me, then."

Jimin let out a silent scream as white ropes shot out of his cock, landing on his and Jeongguk's chest. As he came down from his high, Jeongguk himself came, a grunt escaping from his lips.

"Don't pull out~" Jimin begged.

"I have to so I can clean you up."

"No, please?"

Jeongguk laid a kiss on his lips as he pulled out, his cum quickly trailing out from Jimin's hole.

"When do you get your next shot?"

"I don't remember, I have to call."

"You get them every three months, right?"

"Once a month, it's better for me."


Jimin let a soft gasp as Jeongguk cleaned him out. He was always skilled with his hands.

"I have to go out tomorrow morning, will you be alright for a few hours?" Jeongguk questioned.

"Where are you going?"

"For my run and then to the gallery. I'm going to start setting things up."

"I will be fine, don't worry about me."

Jeongguk smiled and kissed him once more.


"Are you alright?" Taehyung asked Jimin, who currently had his head down on the table.

"I feel sick and my chest hurts."

"Maybe chest burn?"

"Well, it's more my nipples that hurt and they have gotten a bit swollen."

"Sounds like you're pregnant."

"Taehyung! I'm not pregnant! I go for my shot soon, so I know I'm not!"

"Just saying, I mean, Yoongi's tits didn't get huge, but they were swollen for a while. Then they slimmed back down. Maybe we should get you a test?"

"We already have some in the bathroom."

"What? Why?"

"Well, we first started having sex, we skipped wearing condoms a few times and we had a couple of scares."

"Wow, who knew you got down like that?" Taehyung teased.

"Maybe it's all in my head."

"I don't think so, let me see."

Jimin stood up and took off his sweater.

"Yep, you're pregnant. I can tell by the liquid seeping out."

"They did that this morning, but I read up that sometimes male omegas will lactate at random. Apparently, something can trigger it when needed, but I don't know."

"What did Jeongguk say?"

"I haven't told him. I'm nervous."

"Then go take a pregnancy test."

Jimin sighed as he got up and went to the bathroom. Opening the bottom drawers, he grabbed a pregnancy stick and stared at it.

"Just open it already!" Taehyung exclaimed as he walked into the bathroom.

"Don't rush me!" He yelled, pushing him out and locking the door.




"What does it say?"

"I took two and now I have to give it a minute for accurate results."

"Well, it won't really be accurate unless you go to the hospital."

"I'm not pregnant! I mean, Jeongguk and I had sex last night."

"With protection?"

"I'm on birth control."

"Yeah, a one-shot every month birth control. Why not just get the one you get every three months?"

"I didn't want to!"

"What a weirdo, anyway, if you are pregnant, what are you going to do? Will you tell Jeongguk?"

"Of course! This affects his life too. Besides, with Hajoon, we would have a lot to think about."


"I better go check on him."

Jimin left the bathroom and went into the living room, where Hajoon was lying on his stomach, crying. Jimin picked him up and bounced him around a bit, letting him get comfortable. Hajoon started to muzzle into his chest, biting at his nipples.

"No, you can't do that, they are very sore."

Hajoon lip quivered and Jimin sighed, walking into the kitchen and grabbing his pacifier off of the drying rack, sticking it in his mouth.

"I have good news and bad news," Taehyung stated, walking in.

"What's the bad news?"

"One is positive."

"... And the good news?"

"The other is negative."


"So I have some news, you aren't pregnant," The doctor said as she came in with some papers.

"Oh thank goodness."

"You said you've never been pregnant, right?"

"That's correct."

"And this baby..?"

"It's complicated."

"Well, as an omega, most of you have a parental hormone that comes out when around a baby for a long time. Most omega preschool or kindergarten teachers lactate as well. It's was something that happened back in the day, when we were animals. Some cubs would lose their mothers and the other omegas would produce for them. It's the exact same thing that's happening now. Your body is just producing milk for him, that's all."

"How long will it be like this?"

"A few weeks or a couple months. Just until he is comfortable."

"Okay, but is there anything I can do to make it stop leaking as much?"

"Well, there are two options I can give you if you don't want to brestfeed him."


"You can pump the milk out, or your boyfriend can suck for you. I only give the last option because most omegas feel better comfort with it being naturally sucked out."

"I'm not his boyfriend," Taehyung commented, his face a little red.

"Well, those are the two options I have."

"Okay, I'll think about that, thank you."


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