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"Here we are Jimin, I'm going to go get your bath ready. I made these new bath bombs with heat infusers, and they smell amazing."

Eun laid Jimin on the bed and pressed a kiss against his temple, making Jimin whine. His skin was on fire and he needed to jump into some ice water.

"You have no idea how wet you are, do you?" Eun asked, his hands traveling to Jimin's ass. Slick coated his covered bottom.

"Should I strip you o—"


Jimin moved away from his touch, but Eun pulled him back.

"Minnie, baby, don't fight this. We both know how much your cunt wants it."


Jimin kicked Eun in his chest and crawled off the bed. His legs were too weak for him to stand, making it easy for Eun to pick him up

"I see, looks like we have to do this the hard way..."

Eun threw Jimin on the bed and smacked him against the head. While Jimin was in pain, Eun was able to grab a syringe and stick it in Jimin, causing him to scream. It burned like fire.

"I didn't want our first time to be like this, Jimin, but you leave me no choice. I have to steal you away so no one can take you from me. What I just injected you with is a pregnancy enforcer. When I cum inside of you, you should get pregnant. Mmh, just the thought of you filled up with my pups is enough to get me hard," he grabbed Jimin's hand and placed it against his bulge, "See?"

"Eu-Eun... Let me go, please~"

"Don't beg me, Minnie, it turns me on so bad."

"I won't tell, I promise."

"It's too late Minnie."

Tears ran down Jimin's face as Eun began taking off his clothes.

"You are so beautiful," Eun stated as he kissed down Jimin's stomach.


Eun stripped Jimin of his underwear and pants and let out a groan from all the slick. Before he could touch Jimin's hole, Jimin managed to gather some strength and kick him in the stomach.

"Get away—"

Eun smacked Jimin in the face.

"Stop acting like this! I know you want this!"

Eun quickly took his own pants and boxers and slapped his cock against Jimin's hole. Even though Jimin was against this, his body craved it.

"Please, Eun... Don't..."

"I'll go nice and slow Minnie, unless you beg me to go harder."

Jimin closed his eyes and cried, wanting this moment to be over. He felt Eun's cock graze over his hole and he let out a cry.


In a sudden and shocking turn of events, Eun was abruptly and forcefully torn away from Jimin by an unknown force. The sheer intensity of the situation left everyone present in a state of disbelief. Eun was cruelly thrown to the ground as if gravity itself conspired against him. The impact was jarring, causing him to crumble under its weight. Jimin's eyes widened with horror as he bore witness to Jeongguk's brutal assault on Eun. Each strike seemed to resonate with an unfathomable force like a blunt instrument being wielded with malicious intent. Jeongguk relentlessly pounded Eun's defenseless face into the unforgiving ground, leaving no room for escape or respite. The scene unfolded with a dreadful rhythm; each blow echoing through the air like thunderclaps. Eun's body convulsed under the onslaught, his cries muffled by the sheer brutality inflicted upon him. Blood spattered in all directions, painting a pure white carpet that spoke volumes, about the savagery of this encounter.

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