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"And then the next thing I know, she's telling everyone we're dating! Like, girl! I have a whole child with the man I love!"

Jimin giggled as he listened to Taehyung end his story. They were on the balcony drinking juice since Jimin hadn't bought wine in a while. 

"You're getting too popular. I'm surprised there aren't lots of scandals of you," Jimin stated pulling out his phone. 

"I'm actually thankful. I don't think I would be able to handle it."


"What's wrong?"

"It's been three hours and Jeongguk hasn't called or texted me. I'm worried about him," Jimin said standing up and heading back inside to sit on the couch. Taehyung came behind and sat next to him, watching his daughter on the fluffy rug, watching cartoons. 

"I'm sure he is fine. His mom lives on the bad side of town meaning it's a bad hospital as well."

"What if he got into an accident? What if he got pul—"

"I'm back, sorry I took so long."

The two turned their heads and their eyes were wider than the galaxy. In Jeongguk's arms were a baby and a few bags. Who's baby, was it? Thousands of questions were running threw their heads. All of Jimin's flew out the window when he saw the tear streaks on Jeongguk's face. He jumped over the couch and ran to him, taking the bags, setting them down, and hugging his side. 

"Taehyung," Jimin called. 

Taehyung quickly came over and took the baby before going back to the living room while Jimin and Jeongguk took a step in the kitchen. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jimin asked as he sat Jeoungguk down and pulled him into his stomach to cradle his head. 

"Can we stay like this for a second?"

Jimin nodded as he ran his fingers through Jeongguk's hair trying to calm him. It was weird to see him like this. Jeongguk was always the strong one in their relationship. 

"Hate to interrupt, but do you guys have diapers? This baby just shit on my arm!" Taehyung exclaimed as he walked over. Jimin spotted some in the bag that Jeongguk had and pointed. Taehyung grabbed some and walked away, heading to the bathroom. 


"What was that, baby?"

Jeongguk lifted his face out of Jimin's stomach, "She's in a coma."

"I'm sorry, I know she wasn't a good person, but she is your mom."

"She tried to sell the baby for some drugs. The person she was trying to score from was a cop and she was arrested. On the way to the jail, she had an overdose so he rushed her to the hospital. They saved her from dying, but now she's in a coma."

"Is the baby hers?"

"Yeah, apparently she got knocked up a while back. He's only two months old."

TWO MONTHS OLD! That woman is crazy?

"What do they want to do with it?"

"They asked me if I could care for him until she gets better and they can evaluate her. "

"It's a boy?"

"Yes, and his name is Hajoon... The social worker said if I couldn't take him, they would find someone, but in case she never wakes up, they rather he spend time with a familiar scent. She told me to call tomorrow to give her my final decision, but I wanted to talk to you first."

"A baby is a big thing, especially since we both work..."

"I know, which is why I don't know what to do..."

"Jeongguk, this baby is related to you and I think it deserves a good home and not like the one you grew up in. I say we give this our best shot."

"Who would watch him?"

"Well, you have a studio down the street and my job offers a drop-off. We could take turns on who takes him with us. On the other hand, I don't think my father would mind if I worked from home."

"What about clothes? Food? All of that stuff? The social worker only gave me what she had."

"We can buy food, as for the other stuff... My parents have a bunch of baby items from when my brother and I were born."

Jeongguk sighed, "Are you sure we can do this?"

"Positive!" Jimin exclaimed, kissing him. 


"Awe! Jiyong! It's your little baby blankie!" Jimin exclaimed picking up a choo-choo train blanket."

"Gross, get that shit out of my face!"

"OH MY GOD! Jeongguk! I found our picture book!" Jimin exclaimed, running to wear Jeongguk was. 

The family was at a warehouse where the Parks kept their old belongings. 

"Look, this is when Jiyong got his first pubic hair. He was so excited, he would walk around the house naked."


"Oh, this was my... my sixth birthday party," Jimin went quiet when he stared at the photo. It appears Jeongguk was there too. The two often forget they were friends way back then. 

"Your dad has plenty of baby books of you Jeongguk, if you were ever curious," Mr. Park yelled from where he was. He was currently looking at baby clothes his wife kept wrapped up in plastic. 

'What a weirdo,' he thought with a smile. 

"We should definitely pick those up! I want to see how you were back then!" Jimin exclaimed.

"From what I remember, I didn't really smile in a lot of photos."

"Good thing I take pictures of you when you're sleeping. Now I have blackmail," Jimin teased, making Jeongguk roll his eyes. 

"Good thing I take pictures of you when we're fucking, now I have blackmail," Jeongguk smirked.

"Jeongguk! You said you would delete them!"

"I don't think I remember saying that, I mean, why would I delete pictures of you?"

It was now Jimin's turn to roll his eyes. 


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