Chapter 5

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The day after, Robin came as he promised.And like always he gets into a fight or two,Finney of course helps bandage his wounds

"I told you to not pick fights to protect me" "they were shit talking,Ow" Robin exclaimed while Finney helps him clean his wounds "sorry"Finn replied quitely.They are in the last stall in the bathroom which is mostly where they do this

Finn takes his other hand and wipe the blood from his knuckles "But seriously stop" "okay okay fine.not" Robin mumbles the last word while looking away not letting Finney hears it and he doesn't

When they were done they went out and saw Finn's bully's laughing probably thinking the wrong thing "What were you doing there making out?" "Trying to fuck with him again? Well now I need to fuck with yo-" Robin stops when Finn touches his hand, which is a sign too stop since he knows he's going to start a fight,so instead of that Finn drags Robin outside the toilet and ignore the bully's

"Why,wh-" "you were going to start a fight,even tho we just talked about it" "sorry habit" they said all that forgetting they're still holding hands.

When they finally realized they let go quickly and they both laugh,blushing
"wanna come to my house later?" "Maths again?" "Yup,you got that right" they continued this conversation while walking to their next class

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