Chapter 14

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On the first period Robin arrived to school a bit late. He probably stayed up thinking of Finn all night, "Mr.Arellano! You are minutes late!" "Yes,Im sorry i- I won't do it again" "You better not. Now go take a seat" Robin goes to the seat that is connected with Finns,it's basically a routine now in every class they have with eachother

Robin puts his head on his table, "Hey sleepyhead time to wake" Finn says quietly while rubbing his head, Robin of course wakes up from a voice of an angel and sits up. "Everyone take your history books out and turn to page 352" and now the teacher is going to tell this boring story in the past. As the teacher continues Robin slowly falls asleep Finn noticed it from the beginning cause of staring at the sleepy boy but then the teacher interrupts "Finney can you please wake Robin up" "Uh yes miss" "Thank you Finney, now where were we?" Then the teacher continues

Waking up Robin is hard since he is a heavy sleeper but with a voice like Finn's, he cannot resist. Robin woke right away when he heard Finns voice.

Finn ripped out a piece of paper from his book and wrote something, "stop sleeping in class" then Finn passes the paper to Robin "but I'm tired" then Robin passes it to Finn, and they continued, "actually,why are you tired" "tù(you)" "Robin, you know I don't speak Spanish" "then let me teach you" "are you making an excuse to come over?" "Maybe, maybe not" Finn scoffed when he saw his answer and Robin smiled with his eyes closed, Finn looks away to look at the paper "fine, I'll be there at 3 p.m " "can't you be a little more early" "3 is early enough!" "No it's not" "Robin, school finishes at 1 p.m" "what about 2 p.m" "but I need to get ready" when Robin starts to write something Finney quickly takes the paper from his desk and write something quickly and give it back to him. "It's a date♥" Robin gets blushes like a tomato,Finn smiles at the red boy,Robin calms down real quick and wrote his answer "Fine,at my house then" "good for me!" Then the bell rang and everyone got out this boring class

Periods later it was finally lunch, Robin didn't bought any food so Finn gave half of his food to him. They were just sitting at their table, just the two of them but then Donna come up to them "hey, can I sit here?" "Of course,why?" Finn says "Well my friends said their table is full" "what do they mean there's a lot of space there Robin says "I know," Donna says sitting down Infront of them "I don't think you should be friends with them" " yeah they seem like a bad influence to you. And also you have two best friends that you needed,us!" Finn and Robin trys to make Donna feel better because they know she's always left out. Donna laughs "thanks guys" and Robin and Finn accomplish their mission on making Donna feel happy, just like how they make eachother happy

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