Chapter 15

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Before 3:00 Finney had to get ready,it took a whole entire minute for Finn to pick what to wear, it was his first actual date,so he had to make the best first impression. He went to ask Gwen for outfits ideas. "Hey Gwen" he calls Gwen from her bedroom door "What?" Gwen answers but not looking at him since she is busy getting he hair done "Can you help me with umm" Finn pauses, Gwen stops whatever is she doing and looks at him then she raises her eyebrow at him, "help you with?" "An outfit" Gwen pauses for a minute then gasps "ARE YOU GOING ON A DATE WITH RO-" Finn quickly stops her so their dad won't hear. "Gwen shush dad will hear" Finn says quietly "ok fine,but let's go to your room for this little makeover!" Gwen says giggling happily. When they were at Finn's room Gwen look at Finn's clothes all one by one. "Gwen, I don't need to look cool or something it's just a study date" "yea yea,same thing!" Gwen says finally picking out Finn's: white t-shirt with his black and white flannel and beige pants. "This one is so good,you have to wear it." then before Finn could says anything gwen interrupts "Robin would drool!" She says while leaving and closing the door and just like Gwen instructions he wore it. And not going to lie it looks good,so note to self let Gwen pick your outfits.

At 2:20 Robin suddenly remembers he got a date to get ready for but his house is a complete mess especially his room,god how to he sleeps in there, so Robin quickly cleans the whole house before Finn comes to a mess pile. When he was finally done,he almost forgotten that he is unready, so he quickly gets ready with a casual outfit,a sleeveless hoodie and leather jeans. Now Robin is finally done but then suddenly someone knocks on the door.

It was Finn,as Robin expected and luckily he right on time. For a while they did they little study date and paused it with cuddles and making out and continued it after. But when they were done with this study date they decided to make it a actual date. So they went to the park to have this little picnic and had fun,then somewhere around evening they both layed to Robin's backyard floor to watching all the stars which was Finn's idea and they also watched a movie while cuddling eachother. Then this study date became a date then this date became a sleepover

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