Chapter 16

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One night Finn woke up with a sore throat, he got up from his bed and got a cup of water. He checked his temperature by placing his hand on his forehead/neck/(or anywhere else) and he was burning. He went to the phone and dialed Robin's house number, after a while Robin picked up, "hello?" Robin says in a sleepy voice "hi,Robin" Finn answers in a raspy/sleepy/sore voice, "Finn!? Why are you up so late?" "Can you come over tomorrow?" "Why we've got school" "I can't go to school" "Why?" "I'm sick" "What!?" "Don't worry, I'm fine just come over tomorrow,I need company" "sure,I'll be there at 8:00" "okay". Then they both hang up and gone to bed

The next day,Finn had informed his dad and Gwen that he was not going to school that day since he was sick, so after his dad and Gwen left, Robin had arrived.

For the whole day it was just Robin taking care of Finn and sadly no kisses because Finn didn't allowed Robin to kiss him since he was sick, so all they did was cuddle in bed, watch television and taking care of Finn. Robin was very overprotective,once Finn sneezed or cough he went straight to him to check

After three days of this Finn has healed from his illness, but Finn may have passed it to someone,Robin had caught it now, so Finn had to take care of him now.

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