Chapter 13

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The both of them went to each other, "Hey,what are you two doing here?" Robin asks death staring at Vance, "Maybe we could ask you two the same thing." Vance says doing the same exact thing,they both hate eachother very much, Finn and Bruce senses that they are going to start a fight, so Finn quickly put his arm on Robin's shoulder " Oh,were just going on a walk" Finn chuckles and Bruce chuckles too "Haha, what a coincidence we are too!" They both laugh, " Hey why don't we all hang out together" "Sounds fun! Sure." Then they all hang out.

They first continued their walk,the walking path was tight so Robin and Finn had to go behind them and Bruce and Vance upfront, "Hang out? With them!?" Robin asks lazily with his head on Finns shoulder, "Well,did you had any ideas to go to instead of mine you your house?" Robin scoffs "No." Then he looks at Finn and kissing him on his cheek secretly not letting Vance or Bruce know, then they both laugh. Bruce and Vance has no idea what going on,so they ignore it

On they're little 'hang out' they went to a café for breakfast and chatting/gossiping/shit talking, Robin and Finn also nervously told them about their thing and surprise,surprise Bruce and Vance had a thing too,the both couples agreed to not tell ANYONE. After breakfast the two went separate ways and continued the day they wanted

Robin and Finn skipped school today,so they wanted to go Finn's house and also pick Gwen while the way. So they did,they went to grocery shopping while waiting till school ends and when it did Robin and Finn waited for Gwen at the path to they're neighborhood, "What did you too bought?" Gwenny questions "Just some shit"Finn answers while struggling with the weight of the stuff they bought, "Give me that" Robin says taking the heavy one from his hand and giving him the light one "thanks Rob" Gwen giggles "what's so funny?" Robin asks. Gwen looks at them then looks away and laughs "you too are so obvious" "What do you mean by that?" Finn says looking at Gwen then to Robin and Gwen again "You can't hide anything for me Finney,I know you too are together" "What!?" Robin and Finn says in sync

"Yeah,it's pretty obvious,see you too are even holding hands!" Gwen points out on. They both quickly lets go "Fine,you better not tell anyone or I'll tell dad you have been hanging out with a boy" then Gwen gasps "you wouldn't". Then they continued this like every siblings do

Robin is just next to Finn not making a noise so he won't get in this,but he does feel a bit lonely but his hand warped in his lovers hand doesn't make him feel like that it makes him feel very happy

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