Chapter 7

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When Robin and Gwen's friend,Susie woke up they all had breakfast Infront of the television, Finney and Gwen's dad probably went to drink with his friends

After eating breakfast Finney and Robin wanted to spend the day with eachother but they didn't trust Gwen and Susie alone at home,they would leave a big mess,so they bought them with them

Luckily for Finn he has been saving money for fun,so why not spend it?

And they went to the arcade,the mall(the girls idea) and much more places that they had a great time in

It was almost dark so they all went home. After dropping Susie at her house Gwen decided to go home first so that leaves Rob and Finn,when they reach Robin's house they said their goodbyes and went home. But when Robin is at his porch he stopped
"Hey Finn" Robin calls and Finn turn to his back. Then they paused, then Robin started to say "thanks by the way!" he says smiling "I erm,had a great time" "yeah me too" "see you tomorrow then?" "yeah,o-okay" Finn stutters "see you tomorrow" he ended that sentence with a slight smile and walk back home

And he went to sleep that night thinking and dreaming about him non-stop

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