Chapter 9

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When they left the toilet the whole school is empty expect Donna Infront of them looking really mad. Donna quickly drags Finney but also drags Robin to since they are arm to arm, "Woah where are we going" Finney asks Donna "just hurry your feet before we get stuck at school!"

When they are out of school Donna says "Wh- you can leave Robin" in a mad way, Robin looks at Finn, he doesn't look back but in response he holds him tightly and holding on to him not letting go "No" Finney says "fine" Donna says loudly "Finn,I-i can leave" Robin stutters and Finn looks up to him and shook his head slightly but Robin doesn't want to get in this and Finn can see that so he lets go off Robin, Robin quickly walks backwards and mouthes "please be safe"

When Robin finally leaves Finney looks back at Donna "what were you going to say again?" then Donna takes a deep breath "So you left me? And that whole crush rumor was all fake!?" "look,I'm sorry but I lost feelings for you" Finney says while Donna cries Finney comforts her by giving her a hug

Finney told Donna about why he lost feelings for her, about him and Robin and basically came out to her. The both decided to just continue as friends.Finney goes back to Robin and tells him about how he came out to her and how great was that to get out off his chest

(A/n:ik this is all so shitty,I wrote this half asleep and once again no hate towards Donna I love her)

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