Chapter 8 <333

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Next day Finn went to Robin catching him talking to Bruce Yamada and Vance Hopper,and Finn walks up to him and them "Hey Rob" "Hey Finn" and the four of them continued their conversation

In the middle of this conversation,Donna 'accidentally' fell on the ground with some books probably trying to impress Finney,well even tho Finney lost his feelings he still has a kind heart to help her "oh err hey Finney" Donna smiles "Hey.Errm what are these books for?" "For the teacher" "Here let me help you" He says that while picking up some books "Thanks!" They both stand up and says "be right back guys" "o-okay" Robin says very worried

At the teachers office Him and Donna sends the books on the table.But while this Robin nervously rushes to the teachers office.Robin doesn't really like Finn or maybe he does? When he arrives at the teachers office he saw the most heartbreaking thing.Finney and Donna kissing.

Finney wasn't closing his eyes so he saw Robin has a tear going down to his face,Robin suddenly rushes out the room crying.Finney quickly lets go off Donna "Finney what's wrong!?" "I-im sorry Donna,i-i- don't really like g-girls and umm"Finney leaves not finishing his sentence leaving Donna crying too but instead of comforting Donna he rushes to Robin

He know exactly where Robin is,the school toilet he has to be there he has to! And Finn was right Robin was sobbing in the last stall of the toilet which is Finn and Robin's spot,

Finney knocks at the door and coming in. "What are you doing here" Robin sniffles "aren't you supposed to be with.Donna" he says but saying 'Donna' quietly but this time Finn hears it,Finn kneels down to Robin wiping his tears and going for a kiss,a quite long one then Finney stops it with a smile then giggles too the floor putting his head Robin's lap.

"I love you Robin,I always did" The boy on his lap says still wiping the poor boys tears,tears of happiness "well, me too,I'm crying for a reason you know" then Finn laughs, Robin just realized how beautiful his laugh is and that poor boy that was crying earlier was now kissing the boy of his dreams

(A/n:Ahh I'm crying myself btw hope you guys like this and I hope it's not to cringey and shit, also no Donna hate)

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