Versus Velocity and Veracity - Part 2

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(3rd Person POV)

Veracity ran down to the X-deck with Spyder following her trying to help with anything he can while she tried to turn on the fire suppression system that should have activated on its own. 

"Wow you are fast like a cheetah!" Spyder says as the two of them step out of the elevator. Veracity put a hand up.

"No offense comic relief but I can handle this by myself."

"No that's not how we work, okay. I know every inch of this robot, you need me, also what are we doing?" Spyder asked before Veracity started walking.

"The robot has a built in fire suppression system, but for some reason it's not activating right now. But around this corner is a panel that's gonna let me..." she stopped when she saw the panel that looked like someone took a blow torch to it.

"Toast marshmallows?" Spyder finished.

"Okay okay that's just an obstacle. Uh, life only gives us obstacles so think." Veracity says to herself.

"About what?" Spyder asked again.

"So many obstacles." She sighed before turning on her heels. "There are junction boxes in the ventilation system and we can activate the fire suppression system from there yes, but it's like a maze in there so I'm not going to know where to go." 

"I got the blue prints here." Spyder said grabbing a tablet when the two of them stopped by the air vent. "I can direct you." Veracity remained silent as Spyder began to take the cover of the vent.

"Uh is there someone else who can do this? Maybe Ryan or that water skiing squirrel?" Veracity asked when Spyder turned back to her.

"Man, I wish but no. Just trust your teammate." Spyder responded while he knelt down and held out both hands to push he up into the vent. She hesitantly used Spyders hand to push herself up into the vent. Spyder watched the tablet after Veracity has crawled off into the vent system.

"Okay, um... make a right. No, no, left." Spyder rambled.

"Spyder! Focus!" Veracity said into her mech-link.

"Okay... make a left, the next right, the next left and your golden trust me." He replied. She listened to him, the entire time just hoping he's right. The made the last turn and was relieved to see the panel on the wall. She took a sigh of relief and started pressing buttons, she froze when she smelt smoke, and when she looked up and saw smoke coming from another corner she asked,

"Is there a fire in the vents too?"

"Plenty of time before it's gets to you." Spyder reassured her.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Look I know fire I destroy a lot of evidence." Spyder laughed before realizing what he had just said.

"I got it! I got it!" She cheered shutting the panel.

"I can feel the fires going out all over the bot." Ryan says from the control center into his mech-link. "My butt thanks you."

"And my hut says you're welcome." Spyder laughed.

"All right, we're out over the ocean. I'm just doing donuts. Spyder, Veracity get back to the control center. Mark get Harris out of the jet." Ryan says as Spyder started to panic as the fire spread.

"More fire. You can get out of there know V." He said to her.

"The fire suppression is taking its time coming into the vent systems and the fire is coming at me really fast!" She screamed as she scrambled down the vents.

Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now