🎃🍁Lonely PT. Two🍁🎃

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"Toms, Shroud go pack your stuff. You're gonna be gone for a while" Quackity said.

"Oki papa!" Shroud said as him and Tommy walked down the hallway. Quackity waited until they were out of earshot to start talking. (Tubbo and Ranboo still haven't left)

"You have no right to say that to Tommy. You've had Michael since you were his age now. And I suppose that changes something 'cause your 'more mature'. You've been pushing Tommy away since Ranboo came into the picture. You have no idea how much Tommy had cried ever since you started pushing him away. He was with me almost every night because of his nightmares. And during those nightmares he told me that he couldn't stand the thought of you guys leaving him. Heh. Look what happened." Quackity looked at them with a grim look on his face. 

"You guys need to go." Quackity then shut the door in their faces. Ranboo and Tubbo were shocked. They started to walk back to Snowchester, contemplating what Quackity said to them. Meanwhile, Quackity, Tommy, and Shroud began their journey to Las Nevadas.

"Mama Q, you didn't have to say that for me." Tommy said, Shroud sleeping on his back. 

"Tommy, I could tell that you had so much things you needed to get off your chest. I promise it was a small favor in return for all the things you have done for me." Quackity said , giving Tommy a side hug. Tommy started tearing up. Finally, they made it to Las Nevadas. Once Tommy got inside, he burst into tears and started gripping on to Quackity like he was his lifeline. Tommy had sobs racking his body. He was so hurt and he had needed to let it out. He was just about done crying when he got a message from Tubbo and Ranboo. Quackity saw it and was rubbing his back. 

Tubbo\I am so sorry for how I acted. You didn't deserve that I hope you can forgive me toms.\


Tubbo\what at do you mean 'k.'??\

Tommy/I'm gonna need time to forgive you. You don't know how much I relied on you and you blew it. Just give me time to think./

Tubbo\take all the time you need\

(369 words)

I'm so so sorry I haven't been updating 😭😭 just know that I love you guys and thanks for being active and reminding me that I need to do stuff. Dahlias4Amor I hope you enjoyed this. There will be a part three idk when I will start it tho also sorry if I missed any TWs. I hope you guys have a good day/night!! <3333

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