I messed up..

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"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU TOMMY" Ranboo yelled crying. They eventually found Tommy balled up in a corner. They approached him slowly. 

"I messed up.. I don't deserve to live.." It started quietly at first, then got louder as Ranboo approached Tommy.

"everyone hates me.. I wish I killed myself in exile.."

"no no no Tommy. Everyone doesn't hate you, I don't hate you." Ranboo said while rubbing Tommy's back.

"No Boo y-you don't get it." Tommy said as he pushed away from Ranboo.

"I ruined things with Tubbo as soon as they were getting better, dream found me, and I lost Shroud." Tommy yelled with tears streaming down his cheeks. Tommy had such a pretty crying face, which Ranboo adored. Soon Tommy visibly got lost in his own thoughts of self loathing. And Ranboo wished they could stop it. They grabbed Tommy's chin and lifted it towards them, which snapped Tommy out of his thoughts. Ranboo hovered their lips above Tommy's before eventually kissing him. Tommy was in a state of shock before melting into the kiss.

Tommy and Ranboo would fix things in the morning but right now, they were engulfed in each others presence.


202 words

I'm so sorry for not posting ever 😭 but at least I started off the new year with a post! I love you guys so much thank you for all of the support on my books! HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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