Chapter Three - Kidnapped

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Next thing I knew, there seemed to be about a million men in my bedroom. Looking back, I think there were only two of them but I can't be quite sure because, before I was properly awake, I had already been gagged and blindfolded.

Then they stood me up and started twisting me round and round as they wrapped me up in some sort of plastic stuff - it might have been cling film or something. I tried to fight against them but it was completely hopeless. They just kept on wrapping more stuff around me until I couldn't even think about moving anymore.

At least they kept my mouth and nose clear so, apart from the gag, I could breathe OK.

I mean... I can't exactly be sure what happened next because I was basically panicking but I think they carried me downstairs and it felt as if they were putting me into some sort of box. There was a bit of jiggling about - maybe they were rolling the box on some sort of wheels - and then I think they put the box in a van or something - the movement felt different.

And then I was still for ages and ages... so long I even managed to fall asleep.

After a while, I started moving again... more van... then more rolling... then something that felt like a lift [elevator].

There was a bit more jiggling and then I was lifted out of the box and laid on something soft - probably a bed.

A short time later, somebody started cutting the plastic stuff off me. They released one arm first but, before I could do anything about it, they had already locked it into some sort of handcuff.

Then they did the same with the other arm... then my legs...

And then the things holding my wrists and ankles were wound in so that I was completely stretched out in an X shape. Of course I felt impossibly exposed like that!

And at last they took off my blindfold - and I was completely amazed to see that it was Daniel. I made a couple of grunty type noises and started thrashing about but of course it was completely useless. I mean... I was tied down and gagged and totally at his mercy.

And the total bastard was smiling down at me. "You appreciate, of course, that resistance is futile!" he said.

I guess I knew it was true.

"I am about to cut off your clothing," he told me, holding up this dirty great knife for me to see. "I suggest you lie very still because neither of us want me to accidentally cut you. Do you understand?"

I nodded and was suddenly lying very still indeed. I didn't have a clue what he was planning but that knife was totally terrifying

He started to cut away my nightdress and underwear... as well as the rest of the plastic stuff. I mean... I tried to lie still but I did tremble a bit, particularly when I felt that cold blade against my skin.

And, when he was done, he stood back for a bit and just sort of inspected my naked body. All I could do was lie there and wait for him to get on with it.

"You can rest assured that I have no intention of raping you," he told me at last. He must've been reading my mind. "What I have in store for you is... considerably more sophisticated than that!"

Well that was good news... probably... I think...

But it did raise all sorts of questions about what his 'much more sophisticated' thing was all about.

Then he disappeared, taking the plastic rubbish and the remains of my clothes with him. All I could do was lie there and worry about what was going to happen next.

But, when he returned, he was carrying a couple of mugs of coffee. He took a sip from one of them. "Now, I am about to remove your gag," he told me. "Do not start shouting or making any sort of fuss. It will do you no good but it will annoy me and I will be obliged to punish you. Do you understand?"

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