Chapter Fifty-Six - The King in the West

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Then Farmer Thomas appeared with Sarge. "Excuse me, Sir," he said to Daniel. "The men of the city of St Davids are waiting outside to meet with you."

Again, Daniel flicked an eyebrow in my direction and then took my arm and guided me outside.

And it looked as if every man from the city... and quite a few of the women and children... were waiting there for him. They were standing by the war memorial in a respectful silence and, in front of them, there was the delegation of prominent citizens who had talked to us before

"Sir," Farmer Thomas began, raising his voice so everyone could hear him. "We've had the meeting like you said and we've all agreed that, in this uncertain world, you give us the best chance of safety and security, going forward. Please would you agree to be our king?"

"As I said before," Daniel replied, "it is a great honour and, if you are all in agreement then I am proud to accept."

A cheer rolled out from the crowd and as Daniel stood there, looking out on his people, he took my hand and gave it a slight squeeze.

Behind us, we could hear Sarge lining up the boys so they stood in parade ground order, facing the new King's subjects. And, as if by magic, a couple of impressive looking chairs appeared between the two groups. Then, Sir, my lady, would you care to take a seat?

And, as we sat down, Sarge stepped up... and he was holding the crown that Angus had been wearing. It was a simple metal circle... not much more than a heavy headband, really... but it was made of gold and looked pretty solid so it would certainly give you a heavy measure of regal authority.

"Yours by right of victory in battle," he told Daniel with a smile.

Then Sarge and Farmer Thomas stepped behind us. "In the name of the civilian and military population of St Davids," Farmer Thomas announced, "we crown you King Daniel, King in the West!"

And, with all due ceremony, the two of them placed the crown on Daniel's head...

For a long time, there was silence as the people came to terms with the enormity of what had just happened.

And then the King in the West's people... military and civilian... exploded into wild cheering.

Daniel put his arm around me and squeezed me into his side. Except that he wasn't just Daniel anymore. From now on, for the rest of his days, he was going to be King Daniel

First of his name, I suppose!

"My King!" I breathed under the tumult of the crowd.

"My Queen," he replied. He took my hand and squeezed it.

And I suddenly realised that this is what he had been working towards pretty much for as long as I had known him!

At last King Daniel decided it was time and he offered me his hand to help me to rise. Then he gave me a nod that basically told me to collect Jane and Rebecca and the first batch of people made their way down to the little harbour and we travelled out to the Toymaster's Castle.

"Time for a walk," he told me as soon as we arrived. So, without really thinking, I changed into the camouflage type clothes that I'd been wearing more or less non-stop for the last week.

We strolled gently up the west coast - not quite hand-in-hand, the path was much too rough and narrow for that. But still we appreciated having ourselves to ourselves for a while. I guessed that was going to be a rare treat from now on.

When we returned, the place was a hive of activity but the guys were being all mysterious and Daniel and I didn't want to spoil their fun by being too curious. So we allowed ourselves to be guided up to our bedroom... and we were left to entertain ourselves!

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