Chapter Forty-Five - Wedding

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The morning of my wedding dawned bright and fair... not at all guaranteed in this little corner of wet West Wales particularly as we were well on our way into autumn! Out of some sort of sense of tradition, we had decided that I ought to spend the night at the Traveller's Rest Inn... and Mary and Susan had come across to give me a hand getting ready for the big event.

In the morning, they had hauled hot water up from the kitchen so I could have a proper bath... and then Hannah and Barbara had turned up... with a bottle of Prosecco from their father... quite possibly the very last one in that little corner of South Wales... and a jolly time was had by all!

The baking ladies had appeared with the wedding cake... but the other girls wouldn't let me look at it... apparently, it's bad luck to see it before your wedding! She also delivered a plate of warm Welshcakes. I'd never tried them before... they are a bit like scones but thinner and made with currants... and they were totally delicious

We were all sitting around, with a bit of nervous, Prosecco-induced giggling, when an eight-year-old boy came and knocked on our door. "Excuse me, Miss," he said. "I've got to tell you that the men are just arriving."

"Thank you very much for letting me know," I replied. I nodded to Mary and she sent him on his way with the last one of the Welshcakes!

So, with a bit more giggling, they checked me over one last time and then we set off.

They had another one of their market things going on in the High Street but everybody stopped to inspect me as we trooped past with lots of friendly, 'Good luck!' type wishes. I suppose it would have been a bit embarrassing to be the star of the procession like that but the glass and a half of Prosecco had taken the edge off things and it was quite fun!

And, as we approached the cathedral, we could hear the strains of music coming from inside. It was only a piano, rather than the traditional organ, but, after so long without any sort of live music, it was still kind of exciting.

I was a bit surprised to find Sarge waiting for me by the church door. He was in his usual camouflage uniform but he had obviously spent ages cleaning and polishing it and he looked just as smart as if he'd been wearing his full 'ceremonial rig'. "I thought you might like me to accompany you down the aisle, Ma'am," he said with a smile.

And then the music turned into the Mendelssohn Wedding March. Mary and Susan checked me over one last time and Sarge offered me his arm. "Are you ready?" he asked with an uncharacteristically gentle smile.

I couldn't quite manage words but I gave a nod as I took his arm.

And he guided me into the cathedral with the girls - even Hanna and Barbara - following on behind.

He marched me across until we were standing at the end of the central aisle and then paused for a moment... giving everybody the chance to inspect me, I suppose. I was a bit surprised at how many people there were in the place... but I guess it's the nearest thing they were going to get to a royal wedding for a while and everybody who was anybody wanted to be seen to be there!

"She looks beautiful," a little voice said in a not altogether successful whisper. "Just like a fairy princess!" It drew a few giggles and slightly broke the high drama of the situation!

But still, I was quite glad to have Sarge to steer me as we made our way on down to the front of the cathedral with the other girls trailing along in our wake. He sort of handed me over to Daniel, who was waiting there with George, and then marched briskly off to his place where, I noticed, Megan was waiting with the rest of her family.

The chaplain person seemed to be enjoying the fact that he had a full church and went on for a while about how our working together in married life mirrored the way in which everybody was going to have to work together to get through these difficult times. But I was too wound up to really concentrate on what he was saying. Then he went through the 'Any reason why this man and woman should not be joined together' bit and luckily nobody said anything... I couldn't help being a bit worried even though I knew it didn't make any sense!

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