Sweet Boy Chasing Star

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Mando Corp is now bankrupt

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Mando Corp is now bankrupt.

After losing all the money from fraud, C.E.O and owner Kyle announce bankruptcy.
It was known a year ago the scandal with the said company when one of their major stockholders plunder the company's money. Many expected the company to go under immediately but the CEO fought for a good year before it was finally closed.
20 thousands employees lost their jobs and many are still unable to recover from the shock. Many are sending their love and prayers to the CEO Kyle. Your daily news reporter, Cindy Corale.


Kyle snorted and turned the television off.
He is sitting on his sofa. Wearing a dark gray robe. Crossed legged. His hair is still damped from shower and unlike his usual serious and neat style, he just let his hair scattered like a bird's nest but despite that he still looks handsome and scary.

"Report." He said with pursed lips.

"Yes." Harry starts his daily report like usual.
"Immediately after the collapse of Mando, Major stock holders Valerie and Scott announced their new company's logo. The company is a carbon copy of Mando."

Kyle taps his fingers on the couch's arm rest.
"And Cruz?"

"Location is still unknown. His last bank history in City M is the last we saw him."

"Keep watching his family. No need to look for him. He'll show up soon."

"Are you going to Liste today?" Harry asks.
Mando is the company Kyle inherited from his father. Everyone says that Kyle is just a clueless rich kid without the ability but he actually owned the largest television station and a movie production. His company enlisted 300 local artists and has a contract with several international artists.
Because of the demand, not only actors, singers and dancers, he also started investing in the future of rappers. To top it off, lingerie collections, fashionable clothes and accessories and merch are being released every week.
Compared to Mando, a real estate business whose main targets are stable middle class to lower class households. It's really not anything compared to the large scale operation of the Liste.

"No. I will have to lie low for a couple months to catch the prey. Send all the work here or in my email. Don't contact me with the smallest things." 

"Yes Sir." Harry already turned around but he paused.
"Are you attending Mr.Perez 'birthday celebration?"

"It will be strange if I don't attend. Prepare a gift. No need to prepare something expensive."

"Yes Sir."


Marchel was the same as Naki, the same new talent in the Liste Academy. Talents in Liste Academy have the chance to debut and become an official contract artist once they become promoted or get a proper artist job.
Marchel and Naki are in the same team. Team 5. There are 6 senior talents in Team 5 and they are already in the Academy in 2 years but still there's no hope in advancing. He is impatient. He is 19 years old already. The best time to showcase his young handsome face. If it got stuck in the Academy..It'll be his loss. 
But he doesn't want to give up Liste too. Liste is the best company and they take care of their artists like they are royalties.
Any artist will take Liste no matter what.

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