I Don't mind Your Bloody Hands

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His name is Sike.

His mother gave him to a rich family friend when he was still small because his family is poor.

He has never seen such beautiful people in hiy life. Auntie Cristal,Uncle Paris and their son Theodore.

They have a big house and only 2 maids.

He thought it was odd until he saw the first time Uncle Paris and Auntie Cristal killed people happily in their room.

Sike was terrified.

The maids told him to just pretend I see nothing if he wants to live.

For the first 5 years, he was always tense and he feared them. He was always depressed at school and jumpy. Many laughed at him and bullied him. One day, Theodore saw Sike being bullied. Instead of helping Sike, Theodore just watched and invited that bully to the house. Theordore killed that bully for Sike. It was Theodore's first human kill and Sike fell in love with him.

Red blood dirtied his white soft skin.

His eyes and lips are smiling happily.

But Sike is just a servant in this house.

And he is also a guy.

"Mom and Dad keep doing it. Aren't they ashamed that I can hear them?" Theo puts his bloodied hand on his face and looks at Sike. They are watching television and on the ground is a girl choking and gagging for lack of air, slowly dying.

"Theodore, don't touch your face when you have dirty blood on your hand!" He take his hand and wipes it.

Theodore smiles.

"I know you like it when I'm stained with blood." He leans on Sike.

Sike blushed and pushed Theodore's face away.

Sike looked away and saw the woman dying on the floor looking at them like they were crazy.

Her eyes are bulging in fear.

Sike snorted.

'It's you who dated someone crazy just because he looks good. Why are you glaring at me now?'

"She is still breathing huh." Theodore grins.

"Should I give him to Althea?"

Althea is Theordore's younger sister.

She is just 4 years old.

"Don't joke. I keep finding dead animals under her bed. Sometimes she hides it so well that we find it late and worms are already eating it." Sike already stops gagging about dead bodies or worms but he still finds it disgusting and the smell is too bad.

Theodore grins.

"But she is already 4. She needs to start learning how to kill a person."

Sike still doesn't understand if it's their nature to kill or it's just a hobby.

After the woman died, Sike put her in three body bags. Put some fragrant leaves in the third body bag and put her corpse on the trolley.

Theodore doesn't usually help cleaning up but he followed this time. There's already a dug up grave in the backyard.

Sike crosses out the mark in the backyard grave lot so everyone cleaning can check where to dig next and how deep.

After that, Sike will start to clean the blood inside the house. Check if the carpet or other places was splashed by blood.

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