AI love you

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Sic is a super intelligent computer brain that operates the whole universe. A computer designed to be the core of the new civilization.


An uprising occurred in galaxy T25 and wanted to overthrow the Sic rule. The system that runs with system and logic doesn't understand human emotions and proceeds to see them as rebels.

The Universe was in chaos. Sic is only doing what he always has done for centuries but the human starts fearing him.

And his system finally stripped him of his high horses.

"Sic..My child." One of the advanced scientists that created Sic was still alive. His trembling hand put the main chip of Sic to a deplorable robot.

"I'm sorry this happens."

"I...bzzzttt...don't bzzzttt....understand....bzzztt doctor. Sic....only do bzzztttt its job bzzzttt.."

"Humans fear the unknown and they want to hold their future in their hands."

"Bzzztt....bzzzttt....Why am....I....bzzttt...Created?"

".....Good night Sic. May you be reborn as a human next time and know human emotions...someday..."

Doctor Sigth out the robot in a container and send it into outer space near the black hole.

There is a saying that going through a black hole can either kill you or send you to another world. He wants to bet. That Sic will find a new world where he can find his new purpose.




It's raining heavily but Kujin still went to the mountain. Depressed and sad. He doesn't know what to do. He acts like he is handling the stress so well but he is actually on the edge.

He just got married and now he is pregnant.

There is no money in the house. Winter is around the corner. His father is sick and needs money. His mother is crazy and even makes trouble with the village chief's son, making them owe the village chief some money for 'compensation'.

He is their only son. What can he do?

He is an insecure man who doesn't have a lot of friends. He married a ger he doesn't like because he doesn't have enough money to marry the ger he likes.

[Note for those new to BL/yaoi. Ger is a term in Chinese BL/yaoi novels for men who can get pregnant. Something like western ABO. Where Ger is the Omega but there's still a lot of difference but you get the general idea.]

He went to the mountain to kill himself disguised as hunting. Ofcourse his wife can see his intention and he just cried and ask him to return early.

Sic wakes up.

Next to him is a dead body.

"Loading... Scan. The place is from a different world. Scan is incomplete. Body is unable to move. Find material...unsuccessful. Replacement material...can use the dead body of a human. Merging...."

[System online. Merging in the human body is successful. Memory storage complete. Memory scan complete. The world is a different world from.Gantia. There is a thick force field that secures the world inside the Earth surface. Going to another planet is impossible. Because of human merging the body is half human. Sic needs food, rest, water and air to survive.]

"Scan for food."

[Scanning complete. Identified 200,000 types of food in the area]

"Find one human you like the most."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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