The Average Workday

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William Thompson's P.O.V

Six months later

Surprisingly, the Iron Blood ships had integrated into my command fairly easily and over the past few months, they adapted to the atmosphere relatively quickly. The Iron Blood had only sent nine ships for me to lead, much less than I had anticipated but I was more than grateful as it made them much easier to manage. Two of them however were still finding it hard to fit in here, Mainz was more of a reserved and quiet girl while Elbing was just flat-out diffident, her self-doubt was on an entirely different level. I have tried many times to talk with her and try to help her find some confidence in herself but most of the time it had been to no avail, that didn't mean I would give up trying however. 

Mainz on the other hand just did not like talking to many people. Anyone who would approach her with a warm welcoming smile would be given the cold shoulder. The only people she actually would converse with were those from her own faction and me. When first meeting her she started off by giving me the cold treatment too yet by the end of that month she quickly warmed up to me. So much so that a couple of times a month she comes to my office just to sit on my couch and read before eventually kicking off a small and friendly chat. It was a confusing situation but I always accepted it.

She also had a big thing for coffee. She loved it, you could always see her with a cup in the mornings and many times throughout the day. The first time she entered my office she immediately made note of my lack of a coffee maker. I told her I had no need for one as I don't drink that much coffee throughout the day and that if I wanted one id usually either go get one or ask someone to bring me one. Well. . . That explanation didn't stop her from installing one on the empty table against the back wall of my office. 

One time we got into a small argument about what our preferred coffee was. I had stated I enjoyed a plain cup, but I much preferred cream and sugar and she had to stop me right there to state that adding sugar to coffee was nothing short of blasphemy and so we went back and forth about it before coming to the mutual agreement that milk did not belong in coffee at all and any that disagreed where lunatics.

 I let out a sigh as I flipped to the next page of the report while the loud hum of the coffee maker came to an end and soon a cup full of the dark liquid was placed next to me at my desk. 

"Here you are sir" Mainz said before sitting down on the couch off to the side with her own cup.

"Thank you" I grumbled before taking a sip from the cup. 

"Is something the matter Kommandant?" She asked me with curiosity before looking back down at her cup with an embarrassed face, figuring out the answer to her own question as I slipped her an irritated side glance. 

"You girls are too rough when you train" I mentioned while staring at pictures of the cracked hulls belonging to Z26 and Z35. The Iron Blood ships much preferred mock battles against each other rather than training with drone ships or siren dolls. Their preferations however always resulted in one or another being out of commission for repairs. 

"I'm putting my foot down this time, your training methods will change from now on I don't want any more of this" I then stated to her as I held the photos up. Mainz merely shrunk a little as she nodded in understanding. Just then, A pattern of knocking rang out from the door forcing another sigh out of me as I placed the photos back in the orange doutang. 

"Come in" I then acknowledged whoever was asking for entry.

"Guten tag Commander" Prinz Eugen announced her presence as she entered the office while closing the door behind her. "Hello Mainz" 

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