Chapter 3: The Administrator

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I'm going to need some very skilled partners to defeat Captain Justice, and I know exactly who to call. Jack Beastly. He's an enhanced who can read and even control people's minds simply by looking into their eyes. There's not a lot physically to the man, but he is a prime example of mental strength over physical strength.

The last time I spoke with him, he said that he was was not going to plan an attack for a while. I hope some of his powers rub off on me so I can convince him otherwise.

I call Jack and he gives me coordinates to what he calls his "safe place." It's an abandoned house far away from any other form of life. He says it was his childhood home. The fact that it is so far away from people makes that hard to believe, but I can't afford to think that way around Jack. He is tricky in finding ways to look into people's eyes. You never know when he is reading your mind or even changing it. Despite my suspicions over his story, he does have a knack for staying hidden. No one is a better camouflage artist than Jack.

Jack, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, approaches me in the living room. His hair looks unattended to, but it does not seem to bother him. He's wearing a worn down pair of sunglasses even though his house is inordinately dark.

"Are you waiting for a tour or do you plan to stand there looking at me the whole time?" The skinny man says looking up at me. I sit on a worn down couch while Jack finishes clearing out some papers from the floor.

"So, what have you been doing for all these years?" I ask.

"Researching, I thought you knew that."

"Researching what?"

"The mind among other things."

"Other things being?"

"Other things. Why do you want to know?"

"Just curious. Wondering why the famous 'Administrator" would stop attacking."

"Don't call me that. I'm not some glorified school principal."

I chuckle. " Don't worry, they've probably forgotten about you by now."

"Hopefully. Now let's get down to business. Why are you here?"

"I've come here because I want to do something. I want to do something big. For the last few years you have been researching, but we have the potential to do something far greater. We can make a difference. With our collective intelligence paired with the attributes of today's greatest criminals we could defeat anyone. Even Captain Justice. If we can get the glove then we can end him, but we have to do it together. Are you in?"

" I'm not sure if I'm ready to get back out there. The glove is no joke. If we make a mistake it's the end of both of us."

"There will be no mistakes. There is no way two men with our intelligence could fail at anything together. So are you in or do I need to find someone else."

"What's your vendetta against this guy anyway?"

"He was once my best friend, but he turned his back on me when I was only trying to help him."

"So, you're jealous Captain Nice Guy didn't stay loyal to you and chose this new life instead."

"I'll never be jealous of that coward." I yell at him.

"Calm down, pretty boy. I'll help you out, but I get to examine his brain after it's done."

I calm down and thank Jack for accepting. If there's a weakness to Jack Beastly, it's that he is easily persuaded. I guess being in so many other's minds has made him lose a sense of his own. Nevertheless, we leave his safe place and head to my laboratory to plan the recruitment of the next person.

When we arrive at the laboratory, Jack immediately starts to look around. He seems intrigued. "You've spent a lengthy amount of time on these gadgets. You must really want him dead." He responds.

I chuckle and simply respond, " Two years to be exact. Let's just say he made me really angry, but don't mistake me. My mind is fully functional and I won't do anything that compromises the mission. With that being said there are some people that we won't be able to trust. I need you to make sure there is no ill content against me or anyone in this group. I would hate for this to fail because of an internal reason. I'm trusting you Jack. Don't let me down." He pledges his loyalty and we head to Los Angeles to meet with Aaron Live.

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