Versus Velocity and Veracity - Part 3

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(Ryans POV)

We squeezed the five of us into Marks car and drove out the airport. We sat out front in the car where pick ups and Ubers would wait. 

"Has she even landed yet?" Mark asked.

"Why are you so impatient?" I asked. "We've been here for like ten minutes." He rolled his eyes at me looking out his window. "And yes she has landed but they need to get their bags and god knows how many people stopped her and asked her pictures, she'll be here."

"Look! Is that her down there?" Spyder yelled sitting up higher in his seat in the back of the car. If you looked way down the huge cement sidewalk outside the airport Dakota stood taking pictures with a little girl and her sister. I was first out of the car and first to begin running down the sidewalk, Mark, Harris, Spyder and Veracity followed. I almost reached her before she actually noticed me.

"I can't believe I actually did it!" I heard her say

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"I can't believe I actually did it!" I heard her say.

"I'm so proud of you!" I said. Her feet the ground again just looking up at me before we both heard screams and cheers coming from behind us. Who else but Spyder almost tackled her in a hug. 

"Your girls a champion again!" Spyder cheered at me.

"Boy she was always a champion." Kendal laughed. Harris, Mark and Veracity caught up with us giving their individual congratulations. "So nothing fell apart while I was gone?"

"Uhhh." The five of us said in unison.

"Long story." I finished.

"That's reaction is a little concerning." She questioned.

"I will fill you in later I swear but we have a movie to get to." I said.

"What movie?" She asked.

"We are all going to the Metro-Plex to watch the new Chris Pratt movie." Spyder explained.


(Dakotas POV)

"So let me make sure I understand, in the just over three days I was gone, you all managed to find Traeger and Grey, build a jet, fly the jet, then you lost the ability to control said jet, almost crashed into a mountain, Harris almost got carbon monoxide poisoning, Ryan got lit on fire, Veracity crawled into the vents and almost got lit on fire, then you lost the ability to steer the robot while you were flying right towards the city, so Mark and Veracity walked on the outside of the jet while you were moving to dump the fuel, and Veracity almost flew off the robot in the process?" I asked as we all settled into our seats in the pretty much empty theater.

"Yeah. Yeah pretty much." Spyder said.

"Wow so that means I just can't leave because the second I leave you set things and people for that matter on fire." I said falling into the chair. I couldn't believe this was the first time we ever reserved the 'love seats' as they are called. The very front row of seats was replaced with these big comfy gray chairs that fit two people.

A/N they are real things at pretty much all Emagine theater and I LOVE THEM!


"Well I want you to keep competing because I know it's what you really want, but if you want to stay in Bay City that's fine with me

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"Well I want you to keep competing because I know it's what you really want, but if you want to stay in Bay City that's fine with me." Ryan said sitting down next to me.

"Okay large popcorns for each seat, candy and drinks, the whole nine yards." Spyder announced putting a bucket of popcorn down on our three chairs. He always called dibs on snack patrol for movies. As the previews played on the screen, Harris sat in the second chair next to me, followed by Mark. At first it didn't click in my head that the only two left were Spyder and Veracity. I looked down another chair to see the two of them laughing about something, also sharing a popcorn. I turned my head towards Ryan,

"Oh my god." I said through my hand over my mouth.

"What?" He asked smiling.

"Veracity and Spyder are sharing a chair and popcorn." I said.

"Okay?" He questioned.

"Come on look at them!" I whispered. "They're sitting closer together than we are!" He bent backwards over the chair just a bit to look at them before scooting closer to me with an arm behind my head. I quietly stifled a laugh. "You can't tell me they wouldn't be so cute together. I mean the super smart, nerdy, genius girl and the fun, loving, major golden retriever energy boy together! They'd be so cute!"

"You're just having fun playing matchmaker." He said.

"This is no game of matchmaker this is me hoping my two friends who would be an amazing couple get together."

"That's the same thing." He responds 

"No it's not!" I said, pretending to be offended.

"With you, it's basically the same thing."  He says.

"Wow, okay and I was happy to see you." I laughed crossing my arms.

"Hey have you looked at that Instagram post yet?" He asked.

"No why?" I asked in return.

"Oh nothing, just a lot of people are complementing the caption." He says smugly. "Wonder who did that?"

"Very funny." I said not really looking at his phone that had the post pulled up.

"No really, one person said they like it!" He says pointing to it.

"Out of how many comments?" I asked.

"Only like 300." He answered."

"Only like 300?" I laughed.

"Okay but on a serious note, I really like the top comment." He said while I took a handful of popcorn. "All hail Dakota Rose, the queen of the 540."

"Hm." I said after he read the comment. "I like the sound of that."

A/N - I LOVE THIS ITS LITERALLY SO CUTE!  Apologies for the short chapter, but y'all, the next episode I have to write is Versus the Arctic, I'm pretty sure you all remember what happened in the episode, in mine, let's just say it's going to mess me up😅

Hope you all love it though haha. 

Love you all! 


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